Attach photos, links, and more
You can attach photos, videos, audio files, and other items to your notes. If you’re using upgraded iCloud notes, or your notes are stored on your Mac, you can also attach map locations and website previews. (If you haven’t upgraded your iCloud notes or are using an account other than iCloud, you may not be able to attach map locations.)
If your notes are in an Exchange account, you can’t attach any files, map locations, or website previews.
You can’t lock a note after attaching a video, audio file, PDF, or document to it. (Only tables, images, sketches, inline drawings, scanned documents, maps, or web attachments can be included in a locked note.)
To learn how to insert a scanned document into a note from an iOS device, see Manage scanned documents.
Attach files, website previews, map locations, and more
From the desktop: Drag a file onto the note.
From your Photos library: Drag the photo directly from your Photos library into the note, or choose Window > Photo Browser, find the photo or video, then drag it to the note.
Tip: You can add a Photo Browser button to the toolbar so you can open it more quickly. See Customize toolbars.
From within another app, like Maps, Safari, Photos, and more: Click the Share button
, then choose Notes.
The Share button
doesn’t appear in all apps.
You can also select some text or images, Control-click your selection, then choose Share > Notes.
To change how large an image, sketch, scanned document, or PDF attachment appears in a note, Control-click the attachment, then choose View as Large Images or View as Small Images. You can’t change how large inline drawings appear in notes.
View attachments from all your notes
You can view attachments from your notes in a single window, making it easy to browse them and find just the one you want. You can only view attachments from notes stored on your Mac or upgraded iCloud notes.
Click the Attachments button , then do any of the following:
View attachments: Click the category buttons to view different kinds of attachments. To return to the list of notes, click the Attachments button
Note: This view doesn’t show inline drawings or attachments in locked notes, even if you have entered your password to unlock your notes.
Preview an attachment: Select the attachment and press the Space bar.
View the note that an attachment is in: Select the attachment, then choose View > Show in Note (or use the Touch Bar).
Open an attachment in its default app: Double-click the attachment.
Save an attachment: Control-click the attachment, then choose Save Attachment.
Some attachments, such as maps and website previews, can’t be saved.
Rename an attachment: Select the attachment, choose Edit > Rename Attachment, then type a new name.
Share the attachment with another app: Select the attachment, click the Share button
, then choose an app.
You can mark up images (including scanned documents) and PDF documents after you attach them to a note.