Choose how to display your organization in the Health app
When registering your organization, you’ll provide the legal name of your organization, such as the name of its corporation or LLC. If your patients are more likely to search for and recognize your organization by a name other than its legal name, you can also provide an alternative name, such as the brand name or a practitioner’s name.
In the rest of this guide, “brand name” generally refers to the name displayed in the Health app, which will be:
Your organization’s legal name, if you provide no alternative name.
Your organization’s brand name, if you provide it as the alternative name.
Another name, such as a practitioner’s name, if you provide it as the alternative name.
Display your brand name only
This option is particularly suited for:
An organization with only one name that your patients are likely to search for or recognize
An organization with many locations (because displaying many locations together in the Health app might be confusing to your patients)

Display your brand name and a location name
If your organization has multiple locations with distinct names that your patients are familiar with, you can display a location name (such as Widell Clinic in the example below) along with your brand name for each of these locations.

A location name should be easily recognizable to your patients and your administration staff. For example, use the name that appears on external signs, on websites, and in written communication with your patients. If your patients are familiar with department or specialty names, you can display each as a separate location with its own location name, even if they share the same street address.
Note: If you have a single site that’s served by multiple FHIR API endpoints, you should identify each endpoint as its own location. For example, an organization named “Widell Medical” might use “Widell Medical Primary Care” as the location name for the FHIR API endpoint that serves the primary care clinic, and “Widell Medical Urgent Care” for the endpoint that serves the urgent care clinic.
Display your brand name and a related brand name
If your organization is known to your patients by two brands, you can display the name of the related brand below your main brand name (similar to the example above, except that the related brand would appear on the second line instead of “Widell Clinic”).
Note: If displaying the related brand above the main brand name is preferable for your organization, contact for assistance.
How users can search for organizations in the Health app
Users see listings for organizations when:
They allow Location Services to work in the Health app: Even before a user enters something in the search field, organizations with locations that are geographically closest to the user appear onscreen.
They search for your brand name or related brand name: They see one result, regardless of how many locations you register.
They search for a city, state, or province: They see results from all organizations in the area that support Health Records.