Create a link to start a FaceTime call on Mac
When you’re signed in and FaceTime is turned on, you can create a link for a FaceTime call, then share that link with anyone using any device (Apple, Android, or Windows). As the link originator, you need to start the call, then allow each user to join.
Note: You can invite anyone that meets these requirements to join you on a FaceTime call, even people who don’t have an Apple device.
Create and share a FaceTime link
In the FaceTime app
on your Mac, sign in and make sure FaceTime is turned on.
Click Create Link.
Choose how you want to share the link. For example, choose Messages to send a text message to someone that includes the link for a FaceTime call.
In the Calendar app , you can add a FaceTime video call to calendar events.
To remove a FaceTime link, check the list of callers for a call made with a FaceTime link, click the Info button , then click Delete Link.
Start a call from a FaceTime link
If you created a link for a FaceTime call, you can start the call either from the app (for example, from the Messages conversation, click Join) or from FaceTime. If you created the link in the last day or so, you see it in the list of recent calls in the Upcoming section; otherwise, you see it in the date-based section—for example, below Last Week.
In the FaceTime app
on your Mac, move the pointer over the call window and find the call made with a FaceTime link, then click the Video button
Click Join.
Let a caller join the FaceTime call
The originator of the FaceTime link can let you in to the call immediately. Other callers (who are using Apple devices, who have been approved, and who have joined the call for at least 30 seconds) can also approve (or decline) requests to join the call.
You know that a new caller is waiting when a badge appears on the Sidebar button.
In the FaceTime app
on your Mac on a FaceTime call, click the Sidebar button when you see the badge
Do one of the following:
Allow the caller in the call: Click the Approve Join Request button
Don’t allow the caller in the call: Click the Decline Join Request button
To turn off the audio alert when a new person joins the call, click the Sidebar button , then select Silence Join Requests.