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Use a Bluetooth keyboard with VoiceOver on Apple TV
You can control VoiceOver with a connected Bluetooth® keyboard.
You can control VoiceOver with a connected Bluetooth® keyboard.
Enter VoiceOver commands by pressing and holding the Control and Option keys together, then pressing one or more other keys. The Control-Option key combination is known as the VoiceOver key, VO for short.
Note: By default, VoiceOver keyboard commands function as if you are in exploration mode. See Use VoiceOver in exploration mode.
Type any of the following keyboard commands:
Turn on VoiceOver Help: VO–K
Turn off VoiceOver Help: Escape
Switch between exploration and navigation mode: VO-E
Turn VoiceOver and native focus syncing on or off in exploration mode: VO-Shift-F3
Select the next or previous item: VO-Right Arrow or VO-Left Arrow
Double-tap to activate the selected item: VO-Space bar
Press the TV button: VO–H
Touch and hold the selected item: VO-Shift-M
Move to the status bar: VO-M
Read from the current position: VO-A
Read from the top: VO-B
Pause or resume reading: Control
Copy the last spoken text to the clipboard: VO-Shift-C
Search for text: VO-F
Mute or unmute VoiceOver: VO-S
Open the notifications screen: Fn-VO-Up Arrow
Open Control Centre: Fn-VO-Down Arrow
Open the Item Chooser: VO-I
Change the label of the selected item: VO-/
Double tap with two fingers: VO-“-”
Swipe up or down: VO-Up Arrow or VO-Down Arrow
Adjust the rotor: VO-Command-Left Arrow or VO-Command-Right Arrow
Adjust the setting specified by the rotor: VO-Command-Up Arrow or VO-Command-Down Arrow
Turn the screen curtain on or off: VO-Shift-S
Return to the previous screen: ESC (Escape)
Switch apps: Command-Tab or Command-Shift-Tab
Type the following commands to work with text (VoiceOver reads the text as you move the insertion point):
Go forward or back one character: Right Arrow or Left Arrow
Go forward or back one word: Option-Right Arrow or Option-Left Arrow
Go up or down one line: Up Arrow or Down Arrow
Go to the beginning or end of the line: Command-Left Arrow or Command-Down Arrow
Go to the beginning or end of the paragraph: Option-Up Arrow or Option-Down Arrow
Go to the previous or next paragraph: Option-Up Arrow or Option-Down Arrow
Go to the top or bottom of the text field: Command-Up Arrow or Command-Down Arrow
Select text as you move: Shift + any of the insertion point movement commands above
Select all text: Command-A
Copy, cut or paste the selected text: Command-C, Command-X or Command-V
Undo or redo last change: Command-Z or Shift-Command-Z