If the subscription that you want to cancel is not listed

If you tried to cancel a subscription but you don't see it in the list, try this.

If the subscription that you want to cancel is an iCloud storage plan

If the subscription isn't billed through Apple

Don't see the subscription when you follow the steps to cancel your subscription? You might have purchased that subscription from another company.

On your bank statement, find the charge for the subscription. If your bank statement doesn't say Apple, apple.com/bill, or something similar, Apple doesn't provide this subscription to you. To cancel the subscription, contact the company that offers the subscription to you. Statements often list the name of the company, such as Netflix, YouTube, Amazon Prime, Disney+, etc.

If you have more than one Apple ID

When you follow the steps to cancel your subscription, you see subscriptions that you signed up for with your Apple ID. If you have another Apple ID, sign in with that Apple ID, then try to cancel again.

Forgot your Apple ID?

If a family member signed up for the subscription

You can’t cancel a family member's subscription. Ask your family member to use their own device to cancel the subscription. Or if you share a device, ask that family member to sign in with their Apple ID and cancel the subscription.

If you want kids to get permission before they buy a subscription, turn on Ask to Buy.

If you want to cancel an AppleCare plan

Contact Apple Support

If you still can't find the subscription and cancel it, contact Apple Support.

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