Edit a breakpoint
In the Debugger tab, the Breakpoints area of the left sidebar displays all breakpoints in the currently displayed webpage. Use this sidebar to navigate to and modify breakpoints. In the Breakpoints area of the left sidebar, do any of the following:
Navigate to a breakpoint in the main content pane: Click a listed breakpoint.
Move a breakpoint to another line: Drag the marker up or down in the left gutter.
Disable or delete all breakpoints set in that resource: Control-click a resource file, then choose Disable Breakpoints or Delete Breakpoints from the shortcut menu.
Turn a breakpoint on or off: Click the blue wedge icon next to a listed breakpoint or select a listed breakpoint and press the Space bar.
Edit, disable, or delete the selected breakpoint: Control-click a listed breakpoint, then choose an option from the shortcut menu.
Delete a breakpoint: Select a listed breakpoint, then press Delete, drag it out of the line number gutter, or use the Delete Breakpoint option in the Breakpoint Editor popup dialog.