Alchemy Name bar in MainStage
The Name bar provides tools for preset management and other functions. It is shown in all views. See Alchemy interface overview in MainStage.

Name bar parameters
Preset field and pop-up menu: Displays a list of presets available to load. By default, all presets are shown. To quickly scroll through and load a preset, use the Previous and Next buttons (the arrows) adjacent to the Preset field. The order of presets is determined by settings in the Preset browser. See Alchemy Preset browser overview in MainStage.
The field shows the current preset name and category, or Default if no preset is loaded. The category of the selected preset is displayed to the left of the preset name when a preset is loaded.
Category button: Show a pop-up menu of preset categories.
File button: Open a pop-up menu containing preset management commands.
Save Consolidated: Save a copy of the active preset along with copies of audio files used.
Note: Because supplied samples use audio files available to all Alchemy users, these files are not copied.
Initialize Preset: Initialize Alchemy, providing a basic sawtooth wave that can be used as a starting point for your own presets.
Important: Use of Initialize Preset automatically turns on wide unison mode. See Alchemy wide unison mode.
Refresh Library: Scans all default file locations, and updates the preset library database.
Save button: Save your changes to the active preset. If the preset belongs in the App Presets bank, a Save As dialog is displayed, preventing you from accidentally overwriting the preset.
Save As button: Open a browser window where you can choose a filename (*.acp) and a location to save the currently active preset. Newly saved presets are automatically added to the Preset browser with a category, several predetermined attributes, and the artist name specified in Settings > My Info > Artist Name. If this preference is not set, “Unknown Artist” is shown in preset results.
Quality pop-up menu: Choose the processing resolution on output. This setting remains active when loading other presets or when recalling the project.
Limiter button: Turn the Limiter on or off. This prevents clipping of the signal from all voices at the end of the signal path.
Volume knob: Boost or cut the overall preset volume. This happens at the end of the signal path and controls the effected and dry signals of all voices.