Move reminders
You can move one or more reminders within a list or to another list.
To drag or select a reminder, click to the right of its name. Command-click or Shift-click to select multiple reminders.

If the sidebar isn’t showing, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Reorder reminders: Drag reminders up or down in the list.
Reorder reminder lists: Drag reminder lists up or down in the sidebar. (You can’t drag a list to a different account.)
Move reminders to another list: Select one or more reminders, then drag them to another list in the sidebar.
Move copies of reminders: Select one or more reminders, choose Edit > Copy, select the list in the sidebar where you want to add the copies, then choose Edit > Paste.
Move a scheduled reminder to a different date: Choose View > Show Calendar, then drag the reminder from the list on the right to a date on the calendar in the sidebar.