Create an app preview in iMovie on Mac
You can use iMovie to create an app preview for the App Store. An app preview is a brief movie that showcases your app for customers viewing the app’s description on the App Store. You can edit screen recordings captured from your iOS or iPadOS device and customize your app preview with titles, transitions, a soundtrack, and voiceover.
For more information about app previews and how to create them with iMovie, visit the App Previews webpage on the Apple Developer website.

In the iMovie app
on your Mac, choose File > New App Preview.
If a dialog appears, click OK.
A new app preview project is created with an empty timeline.
In Projects view, app preview projects appear with the time the project was last modified and the project’s duration.
You edit app preview projects in the same way you edit other movie projects, with a couple of exceptions:
Some titles and transitions are not available for use with app preview projects.
Only solid-color backgrounds are available for use with app preview projects.