Select cells, rows, and columns in Numbers on Mac
To modify tables, cells, rows, and columns, you must first select them.
Select a table
Sometimes you must select rather than just click a table to modify it. Selecting ensures that the table is in the correct state for the steps that follow.
Go to the Numbers app
on your Mac.
Open a spreadsheet, then click the table.
in its top-left corner; three white squares appear on the edges of the table when it’s selected.
Select cells
Go to the Numbers app
on your Mac.
Open a spreadsheet, then do any of the following:
Select a cell: Click it.
Select a cell to add or edit its content: Double-click it.
Select a range of adjacent cells: Click a cell, then drag a white dot any direction across the range of adjacent cells.
If you drag the yellow dot, you copy the cell contents to the rows you drag over. If you do this accidentally, drag the yellow dot back to its original position, or press Command-Z on the keyboard to undo the action.
Select nonadjacent cells: Click a cell, then Command-click any other cells.
Select similar cells in a pivot table: Click a cell, Control-click, then choose Select Similar Cells. For example, you can select one Total row cell, then choose Select Similar Cells to select them all.
When you select a table cell, the Smart Cell View appears at the bottom of the Numbers window. The Smart Cell View shows you the actual value of a selected cell (for example, “Apr 3, 2014 12:00 AM”), or the formatted value of a cell if you’re editing it (for example, “4/3”).
If the selected cell contains a formula, the Smart Cell View shows you the formula. If you’re editing the formula, the Smart Cell View shows you the formula result.
You can also select a range of cells to see quick calculations for those cells—such as the sum, average, minimum value, and maximum value—in the Smart Cell View.
Select rows and columns
Go to the Numbers app
on your Mac.
Open a spreadsheet, then click the table.
Letters appear above the columns and numbers appear to the left of the rows.
Do any of the following:
Select a single row or column: Click the number or letter for the row or column.
Select multiple adjacent rows or columns: Click the number or letter for the first row or column, then drag a white dot across the adjacent rows or columns.
Select nonadjacent rows or columns: Command-click any row numbers or column letters.