Add Content Managers to locations in Apple Business Manager
In Apple Business Manager, it’s easy for you to add the role of Content Manager to locations. In their assigned locations, a Content Manager can transfer licenses for apps and books, and manage volume purchases, even if they didn’t originally buy the content.
By selecting a location from the pop-up menu, a Content Manager is indicating that they want to transfer licenses to that location. If they don’t see a location listed, they don’t have Content Manager permissions for that location. They must contact the administrator shown in the window and request that Content Manager permissions be added to their account for the location where you want to manage app licenses. Content Managers with access to multiple locations can then move licenses between locations.
Licenses that are currently assigned in mobile device management (MDM) are still listed as assigned and are unavailable. When those licenses are unassigned, they are then shown as available for transfer in Apps and Books.
Because all users with the role of Administrator have access to all locations, it’s recommended that they be the ones to renew tokens for all the locations at once. Another reason to use them is that they’re also probably the ones managing any MDM solutions.