Copy text, pictures, and movies in documents on Mac
Copy text, pictures, and movies within a document, or from one document to another.
On your Mac, do any of the following:
Copy within a document: Select an item to copy, then press and hold the Option key and drag the item to a new location in the document. (If you don’t hold down the Option key, the item is moved instead of copied.)
Copy from one document to another: Open both documents, select an item to copy, then drag it to the other document. If you can’t drag the item, choose Edit > Copy and Edit > Paste.
Paste text using the surrounding style: Choose Edit > Paste and Match Style.
Automatically correct spacing around pasted text: Choose Edit > Substitutions, then choose Smart Copy/Paste (a checkmark shows it’s on). Now when you paste text, spaces are automatically inserted or deleted around the text as needed. To stop using this feature, choose the command again.
You can also use Universal Clipboard to copy text, images, photos, and video on one Apple device, then paste the content on another Apple device.