A job action is an automated action performed on a media file after it’s transcoded, usually for the purpose of sending your video out into the world. For example, Compressor can add the finished file to an email message and send it to a recipient of your choosing, including yourself.
If a job contains a job action, a gear icon is shown in the top-right corner of the job (in the batch area).
You can add a job action to a job, as well as modify a job action’s properties, in the Job inspector.
If a job action displays an alert icon , there’s an issue with the source file or the action properties. For example, you may need to specify an output location for HTTP Live streaming files.
In Compressor, click the alert icon.
The Errors & Warnings window opens, displaying alert messages.
Alert messages are highlighted based on the selection in the batch area.
Select the job in the batch area, then, if necessary, click the Inspector button to reveal the inspector pane.
Scroll down to the Action area of the Job inspector, then modify the properties relevant to the alert message.
When the icon disappears or when the alert message disappears from the Errors & Warnings window, the issue is fixed.
Select the job in the Compressor batch area.
If necessary, click the Inspector button to reveal the inspector pane.
In the Action area of the Job inspector, click the “When done” pop-up menu and choose Save Only.