Alchemy arpeggiator menu commands in MainStage
The arpeggiator is shown only in browse or advanced view. Click the Browse or Advanced button to switch to either view, then click the Arp button in the Perform/Arp/Effects section.
File button: Opens a pop-up menu with a number of useful arpeggiator pattern management commands.
Alchemy Arpeggiator file menu items
Preset: Choose from a submenu of preset sequencer patterns.
Save: Save the current sequencer pattern as a new preset.
Copy: Copy the current sequencer pattern to the Clipboard.
Paste: Paste a pattern from the Clipboard to the selected sequencer pattern.
Clear: Reset the selected sequencer pattern to default values.
Randomize: Fill the currently visible pattern with random values.
Import MIDI: Import note, velocity, and timing information from a monophonic pattern, and set the Pitch, Velocity, and Swing sequence values accordingly.