Snap automation to grid position in Logic Pro for iPad
You can snap automation points to grid positions. With Snap to Grid enabled, moving automation points horizontally will be restricted by the currently selected Snap value. It also affects creating new automation points with the Brush button selected but not with the Point button .
Snap automation is helpful if you want to reduce the number of automation points created when in Brush mode by setting the Snap value to 1/2 or Bar.
You can also use the snap automation feature creatively. For example, create a stereo ping-pong effect by automating the pan parameter in stepped automation to create alternate left-right values synced to the beat grid or any other musical value.
Snap automation points to a grid value
Tap the Automation View button in the Tracks area menu bar (for track automation) or the Editors area menu bar (for region automation), or press A on your external keyboard.
Tap the Snap pop-up menu in the Tracks area menu bar or the Editors area menu bar, and choose a grid value.
The first option, Snap to Grid, is automatically selected (indicated by a checkmark) when you choose a grid value. You can tap Snap to Grid again to turn off snap while keeping the current Snap value selection. See Snap items to the grid.
Important: The Snap pop-up menu is visible in Default view and Automation view in the Tracks area and Editors area, but you can set each one to its own value. Each value will be remembered when you switch between those views.
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