Register your Third-Party Partner or agency in Apple Business Connect
Anyone can deliver data about places using Apple Business Connect. Even if you don’t own or manage a company yourself, your company may deliver place information, photos, or Actions on behalf of a company (for example, an ad agency). In Apple Business Connect, these are called Third-Party Partners.
For Third-Party Partners, the following information is required:
Legal name of the company
Country or region
Phone number
After you’re verified, a company may want you to manage their brands and locations in Apple Business Connect. Before you can begin, you must share your Company ID with them. For more information, see Share your Third-Party Partner Company ID.
Important: You should contact someone at the company and let them know when you are sending this information, so they can add it quickly and you can begin managing their content.
Create your Third-Party Partner account
Go to https://businessconnect.apple.com/, then sign in with your Apple Account.
If you’re signing in for the first time, the role associated with your Apple Account is that of Administrator.
Select Terms of Use to review the terms and conditions for using Apple Business Connect.
When you agree to those terms, select “I agree to the Terms of Use.”
To receive Apple Business Connect updates, select “I want to receive emails about Apple Business Connect news, updates, and promotions.”
Select Let’s Go.
Select Third-Party Partner/Agency for the entity type.
Enter the legal company name, address, phone number, and website.
Agree to the Apple Business Connect terms of service.
Select Done.
Add an optional company nickname
If you’re not already signed in to Apple Business Connect, sign in with a user that has the role of Administrator.
Select Company
in the sidebar, then select More
next to the company name.
If necessary, add an optional company nickname (not shown externally).
Select Save.
Start managing another company
After you’ve shared your Third-Party Partner Company ID with another company, they’ll invite you to manage their brands and locations. After you accept the invitation, you can then sign in and begin to manage that content. See the following: