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OS X Server: Inconsistent database entries might cause performance issues with Profile Manager

Learn how to correct a database-related issue that might cause performance issues with Profile Manager on OS X Server versions 3.2.x - 4.0.

Before you begin

If you're using OS X Server v4.0.3, the steps in this article do not apply. This article is only for OS X Server versions 3.2.x through v4.0.

Check the PostgreSQL database related to Profile Manager

Use these steps to check the database related to Profile Manager on OS X Server versions 3.2.x through v4.0.

1. Go to http://pm.example.com/profilemanager in a web browser, substituting your Profile Manager server’s hostname for pm.example.com.

2. Use this Terminal command to check your server:

tail -n 10000 /var/log/apache2/access_log | grep '/get_updated.*200 ' | sed -E 's/.*get_updated.*200 ([0-9]+).*/\1/'

3. Click the Profile Manager web browser window to bring it to the forefront. Watch the output in the Terminal window for the next minute.

If any of the numbers in the output of the command are less than 100, this article does not apply to you. If you see output numbers that are consistently greater than 10,000 then use the following Terminal command to correct the issue and improve performance.

sudo psql -U _devicemgr -d devicemgr_v2m0 -h /Library/Server/ProfileManager/Config/var/PostgreSQL -c "UPDATE od_library_items SET updated_at_xid = 0 WHERE updated_at_xid > txid_current()"
