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Apple Remote Desktop: How to remotely set a Bonjour name

In Apple Remote Desktop 2 or later, changing a remote computer's Computer Name using the Manage menu's Rename Computers command doesn't change the remote computer's Bonjour name.

To set the Bonjour name, choose Send Unix Command... from the Manage menu. Using the Template menu in the resulting window, choose System Setup > Bonjour Name. This will load a template with the following command:

systemsetup -setlocalsubnetname name

Replace name with the desired Bonjour name. The ".local" name extension is automatically appended to the Bonjour name you choose.

You must specify Run this Command as User: root .

Learn more

You might use these characters in a Bonjour name:

  • Upper or lower case letters

  • Numbers

  • Hyphens
