Share to other devices in iMovie on iPhone
Share to a nearby device using AirDrop
You can use AirDrop to send your movies and trailers directly to another iPhone or iPad, or to a Mac. You can share a movie or trailer as a video file, or you can share a project file that you can continue to edit on the other device.
AirDrop works with iOS and iPadOS devices that have a Lightning connector or Mac computers with OS X Yosemite 10.10 or later. AirDrop transfers information using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology. You must be on the same Wi-Fi network, or within approximately 30 feet (10 meters) of the other device. Transfers are encrypted for security.
Note: AirDrop may transcode your video for maximum compatibility with the target device. To share a project without transcoding, see Share iMovie for iOS projects to your MacShare iMovie for iPadOS projects to your Mac.
Do one of the following:
From the Projects browser: Tap the movie or trailer you want to share.
If you’re editing a project: Tap Done (in the upper-left corner) to return to the project details screen, then tap the movie or trailer you want to share.
Tap the Share button
, tap Options, then do any of the following:
Share a finished movie or trailer: Tap Video.
Share a movie or trailer project for editing: Tap Project.
Choose the output resolution for a movie or trailer: Tap a resolution.
Choose the frame rate for a movie or trailer: Tap a frame rate.
Turn on HDR output for a movie or trailer: Tap HDR.
The HDR option is turned on by default if your movie or trailer includes high-dynamic-range (HDR) video. Use this option only if the target device can display HDR video properly. For compatibility with the most devices, turn off this option.
Tap Done.
Tap AirDrop, then tap the device you want to transfer to.
If the other device doesn’t appear automatically, make sure AirDrop is turned on for both devices in Control Center (on an iPhone or iPad) or the Finder (on a Mac).
Share using Shared Albums
If you use iCloud, you can add your movies or trailers to shared albums that others can view.
To use this feature, you must have Shared Albums turned on in Settings > Photos on your device.
Do one of the following:
From the Projects browser: Tap the movie or trailer you want to share.
If you’re editing a project: Tap Done (in the upper-left corner) to return to the project details screen, then tap the movie or trailer you want to share.
Tap the Share button
, then tap Shared Albums.
Do any of the following:
Add a description to your movie: Type a description of the movie or trailer.
Share to an existing shared album: Tap Shared Album, tap the name of the album you want to share your movie or trailer to, then tap iCloud.
Create a new shared album: Tap Shared Album, tap New Shared Album, and type the name of the new album. Tap Next, choose the contacts you want to share the album with, then tap Create.
Tap Post.
Save video to the photo library
If you want to send your finished movie or trailer to your Mac so that you can view it there, save it to the photo library and then import it into an app on your Mac such as Photos. If you use iCloud, you can also save your movie or trailer to iCloud Drive and then download it to your computer.
Note: If you want to send any project to your Mac for backup or to edit it in iMovie for Mac, or if you want to edit the project further on another compatible iPhone or iPad, you should send the project to iCloud Drive, or use AirDrop to quickly transfer files between devices. See the instructions for those methods, covered elsewhere in this topic.
Do one of the following:
From the Projects browser: Tap the movie or trailer you want to share.
If you’re editing a project: Tap Done (in the upper-left corner) to return to the project details screen, then tap the movie or trailer you want to share.
Tap the Share button
, tap Options, then do any of the following:
Choose the output resolution for the movie or trailer: Tap a resolution.
The default resolution is based on the content of your movie or trailer. Choosing a resolution lower than 720p HD produces a smaller file that uploads to the web more quickly. Choosing a higher resolution produces a larger file that’s great for viewing on a Mac or on a high-definition television (HDTV) through Apple TV.
Choose a frame rate for the movie or trailer: Tap a frame rate.
Note: If you share a movie or trailer using the 1080p HD or 4K option and more than 50 percent of your project media is 1080p or 4K video at 60 frames per second (fps), you have the option to save your movie at 60 fps.
Tap Save Video.
When the export is complete, the finished movie appears in the photo library. You can access the photo library from the Photos app on your device. The next time you connect your device to your computer, you can import the movie file into a photos app, such as Photos, on your computer.
Save to iCloud Drive
If you use iCloud, you can save a movie or project file to iCloud Drive so that it can be stored in iCloud and accessed from another device.
iCloud Drive requires iOS 8 or later, iPadOS 13 or later, a Mac with OS X Yosemite 10.10 or later, or a PC with Windows 7 or later.
Do one of the following:
From the Projects browser: Tap the movie or trailer you want to share.
If you’re editing a project: Tap Done (in the upper-left corner) to return to the project details screen, then tap the movie or trailer you want to share.
Tap the Share button
, then do one of the following:
Save a video file that you can play on all your devices: Tap Save to Files.
Save a project file that you can open and edit in iMovie on another iPhone or iPad: Tap Options, tap Project, tap Done, then tap Save to Files.
Choose the iCloud Drive folder where you want to save the file, then tap Save.