Respond to Screen Time requests for more time in Messages on Mac
When you set up Screen Time for your child and your child reaches a time limit in a restricted app, they can ask you to allow more time. Depending on your settings, you can approve (or deny) the request right in a Messages conversation.
Note: To respond to requests for more screen time in Messages, all parents and guardians must update all devices that use their Apple Account (Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch) to macOS 13, iOS 16, iPadOS 16, watchOS 8, or later. Children making requests must use iMessage and must choose to start new conversations from their Apple Account (instead of a phone number) in iMessage settings. They can only request more time from an iPhone or iPad.
Go to the Messages app
on your Mac.
Select a conversation.
Look for the Screen Time request, click the Options pop-up menu, then choose an option.
You can choose to approve for 15 minutes, 1 hour, or the rest of the day, or you can deny the request.