Find a Keynote presentation on Mac
You can find recently opened presentations in Keynote, or use Spotlight to search for a presentation by its title or content (including text, author name, media file names, video and image descriptions, comments, and more). Spotlight searches your Mac and email attachments.
Find a presentation
Do one of the following:
Find a recently opened presentation: Go to the Keynote app
on your Mac, choose File > Open Recent (from the File menu at the top of your screen), then choose the presentation. Keynote shows the last ten presentations you opened.
Search for a presentation by its title or content: Click the Spotlight
icon in the menu bar in the top-right corner of your screen, then type what you’re looking for in the search field—results appear as you type. In the search results, double-click the presentation to open it.
To see the presentation’s location on your Mac, select the file, then press and hold the Command key.