Change the password used for authenticating an LDAP connection
Using Directory Utility, you can update an authenticated LDAP connection to use a password that has been changed on the LDAP server. (All computers having an authenticated connection to an LDAP server must be updated if the password used to authenticate the LDAP connection is changed on the server.)
Click Services.
Click the lock icon.
Enter an administrator’s user name and password, then click Modify Configuration (or use Touch ID).
Select LDAPv3, then click the Edit button (looks like a pencil).
If the list of server configurations is hidden, click Show Options.
Select a server configuration, then click Edit.
Click Security and change the Password setting:
If the Password setting is dimmed because “Use authentication when connecting” is not selected, see Authenticate an LDAP connection.
If the Password setting is dimmed because “Bound to the directory as” is selected (but dimmed), the connection isn’t authenticated with a user password. Instead, the connection uses an authenticated computer record for trusted binding.