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Logic Pro 10.2 – 10.2.4 release notes

Learn about all Logic Pro 10.2 updates.

Before updating Logic Pro, make sure to back up the currently installed version of Logic Pro.

Logic Pro 10.2.4

Logic Pro 10.2.4 includes the following changes.


Logic Pro no longer quits unexpectedly:

  • Sometimes when opening or creating a project.

  • Sometimes when picking an icon for a Drum Machine Designer cell.

  • When rubber band selecting a group of notes in the Piano Roll immediately after changing screen sets.

  • When initializing a connected Mackie HUI control surface.

  • When the currently active audio device is disconnected and then reconnected.

  • When selecting Import Audio from an Alchemy SOURCES pop-up menu.

  • When using an Alchemy SOURCES pop-up menu to import audio on a system that includes a mounted volume whose name begins with a Unicode 2-byte character.

  • When a file with a name containing 2-byte characters is dragged onto the Current or Reference button of the Match EQ plug-in.


  • Opening the extended parameters of Retro Synth in OS X Yosemite no longer sometimes triggers an Internal Error alert.

  • There is no longer a glitch at the beginning of a skip cycle area when Cycle Pre-Processing is enabled.

  • Quantizing notes on a Software Instrument track during playback no longer sometimes causes audio dropouts.

  • Stepping through Alchemy presets no longer causes the memory usage of Logic Pro to rise unexpectedly.

  • Alchemy no longer causes Logic Pro memory usage to rise unexpectedly when stepping though samples using the source left/right buttons.


  • It is once again possible to Shift-click to select non-contiguous notes in the Piano Roll editor.

  • Pressing Option-Shift while adjusting the Piano Roll Velocity slider again sets all notes to the same velocity as expected.

  • It is once again possible to use the pointer to rubber-band select MIDI Draw points that were created with a MIDI channel setting of All.

  • It is no longer possible to inadvertently set the length of a note to 0 ticks in the Event Editor or the Step Editor.


  • Addresses a rare automation related issue that could cause a bypassed Send on a muted Channel Strip to remain active.

  • Duplicating a track now reliably duplicates all plug-in parameter values.

  • Clicking Cancel in the dialog shown when deleting an Aux in the mixer that is assigned to a track no longer deletes the Aux.

  • Solo now works on channels routed to mono outputs higher than Output 1 or 2.

  • Soloing a channel strip routed to a mono output no longer unexpectedly mutes the right output.

  • Soloing an output above 1—2 now mutes Output 1—2 as expected.

  • Duplicating a track now also duplicates its track notes.


  • VoiceOver again properly announces selected regions.


  • Audio is now routed properly from Audio Unit-based multi-output instruments in projects saved in previous versions of Logic Pro.

  • When importing drum kits into Ultrabeat, the Import Kit name is again properly displayed.

  • Instances of the Tremolo plug-in with a rate set to a Hz value are no longer reset to 32 bars when the project is loaded.


  • Joining audio regions when Low Latency mode is enabled no longer sometimes leads to the new region being shifted to an incorrect position.

  • If the Toolbar Replace button is activated while the Project Settings > Recording window is open, all the Overlapping Recordings settings now switch from Toggle to Replace.

  • Autopunch recording on MIDI tracks now behaves as expected when Record > Overlapping MIDI Recordings > Replace is enabled.

  • Manually punching in and out in Replace mode now works properly with MIDI regions.

  • When recording MIDI in Replace mode with Cycle enabled, playing MIDI before the start of the Cycle no longer causes the measure before the Cycle start to be replaced.

  • Dragging an Apple Loops file into a track with a custom name no longer renames the track.

  • It is once again possible to assign a custom key command to the Discard Last Recording and Return to Last Play Position command.

  • Editing notes in the mixer notepad no longer sometimes causes custom fonts to reset, or text to be unexpectedly duplicated.

  • Text pasted into an existing note now properly takes on the color of the existing text, and doesn’t cause the existing text to change to the default color.

  • It is once again possible to rename files and regions in the Project File browser using a key command. The key command is now assignable and is called “Rename.”

  • It is once again possible to enter text into the patch name cell within the Multi-Instrument object in the Environment window.

  • It is once again possible to extend the selection of an audio file beyond the current visible area in Impulse Response Utility.

Logic Pro 10.2.3

Logic Pro 10.2.3 includes the following changes.

New Features/Enhancements

  • Crossfades between comp sections in Take Folders can now be graphically edited.

  • The following plug-ins have been redesigned with Retina ready interfaces: Exciter, Echo, Modulation Delay, Noise Gate, Pitch Shifter, Match EQ, Match EQ Surround, Surround Multimeter.

  • New Loudness Meter plug-in provides support for LUFS metering.

  • The Modulation Delay plug-in now includes a Feedback Filter.

  • The Chorus and Modulation Delay plug-ins now each offer a D-mode button.

  • The Noise Gate now includes a ducker.

  • The Noise Gate plug-in now offers a filter characteristics menu which may be set to either Band Pass or Band Reject.

  • There are now independent Hold buttons for the Analyzer, Goniometer and Level Meter sections of the Multimeter plug-in.

  • When the Multimeter is in Display view, Ctrl- or right-clicking the display area allows the display to be switched between the Analyzer and Goniometer. When the Multimeter is in Meter view, Ctrl- or right-clicking the meter area allows the meter to be switched between Peak, RMS, Peak & RMS, True Peak, and True Peak & RMS.

  • There is now an Edit preference to enable a vertical click zone for switching between Quick Swipe Comping and Take Editing modes within a Take Folder.

  • Quantizing MIDI events now always references the absolute grid, rather than the start position of the region containing the events. The old behavior can be accessed by holding Option while choosing a quantization value.

  • There is now a chord language setting for Roman chords in the Score Project settings.

  • Icons for Drum Machine Designer cells are now user assignable by control-clicking the icon on the cell.

  • The key commands to temporarily select tools from an open Tool menu are now user definable.

  • There is now a key command Previously Selected Tool.

  • Key commands to nudge selected objects/events now work on automation.

  • The types of MIDI Controller data affected by the Clip Length Region parameter can now be set in Project Settings > MIDI > Clip Length.

  • There is now a key command Cycle through window views (counter-clockwise).

  • There is now a Key Command to nudge automation values.

  • There are two new region normalize key commands that allow region gain to be used to non-destructively normalize the selected audio regions. Non-destructive Normalize (All) normalizes all selected regions relative to each other. Non-destructive Normalize (Individually) normalizes each selected region independently.

  • There is now a preference setting in Logic to choose from among the available localizations.


  • Logic no longer quits unexpectedly when:

    • Overwriting an existing open project from a new project.

    • Option-dragging to copy surround audio files.

    • Multiple audio files with different sample rates than the project are dragged into the tracks area.

    • Sometimes when the computer wakes from sleep.

    • Alchemy opens an EXS instrument containing audio files that are 60 samples or less in size.

    • Importing from a different Alternative of the same project.

    • Sometimes when previewing loops in the Loop Browser.

    • Sometimes when switching between two open projects.

    • After flattening a track stack and then clicking the Score editor tab in the Main window.

    • When resizing the Score Set window.

  • Logic no longer hangs when a note of two bars or longer is recorded from Logic Remote.


  • It now takes less time to load a new instance of Alchemy.

  • The first note played into Alchemy no longer sometimes causes an unexpected CPU spike.

  • Clicking cells in Drum Machine Designer is more responsive, and no longer sometimes causes audio crackles.

  • Logic no longer reinitializes Core Audio if the Plug-in Manager is closed without making any changes.

  • The Channel EQ Analyzer no longer uses CPU when the plug-in window is closed.

  • Projects that include instances of Alchemy are less likely to exhibit unexpected System Overload messages when the Playback + Live Tracks Multithreading preference is enabled.

  • Projects created in Logic Pro 9 or earlier containing EXS instrument tracks now open faster.

  • Logic no longer sometimes takes an unexpectedly long time to load certain large projects.

  • Logic no longer sometimes performs sluggishly in some projects with the Global Tracks displayed.


  • MIDI Draw view now maintains its adjusted size in the Piano Roll after it is closed and re-opened.

  • After the Split at Rounded Playhead Position command is used on notes in the Piano Roll or Score, the righthand note or chord is now deselected.

  • Collapse view mode in the Piano Roll now takes the Region Transpose setting into account.

  • The Piano Roll Edit > Delete MIDI > Duplicate Events command no longer sometimes incorrectly deletes non-duplicate controller events.

  • The Shift key again works to limit dragging to one direction in the Piano Roll when MIDI Draw is visible.

  • Rubber-band selecting notes in the Piano Roll no longer leaves them appearing to be selected, but not editable in certain rare cases.

  • Command + Shift again converts the Pencil tool to the Brush tool in the Piano Roll.

  • The Catch Playhead Position button in the Piano Roll now reliably shows that it is off when switching from one track to another during playback when the track’s regions are selected.

  • Double-clicking a note in the Piano Roll to open an Event Float window no longer unexpectedly activates Catch Playhead Position in the Piano Roll.

  • Tooltips in the Piano Roll now account for region transpose settings when View > Region Transpose setting is enabled.

  • The Piano Roll velocity slider no longer sometimes disappears when the window is rapidly resized.

  • A selected marker can now be deselected by clicking the background of the Piano Roll.

  • It is again possible to rubber-band select MIDI Draw events in the Piano Roll when starting the selection to the left of the region start position.

  • Typed adjustments to the end position of a region in the Event Editor are no longer interpreted as the region length.

  • Clicking on the Additional Info line for an event in the Event List now triggers the event as expected.

  • The Zoom to Fit key command now works in the Audio File Editor.

  • When playing back a Marqueed section of a region while the Audio File Editor is open and focused on that file, the playhead now remains visible in that editor after reaching the end of the section.

  • In the Audio File Editor, adjusting the region start point, end point, or Anchor now creates an undo step.

  • The Audio File Editor now reliably opens after it has been opened and then closed again with Option-double click.

  • The Audio Track Editor retains its Catch Playhead Position setting when switching to the Audio File Editor and then back.

  • It is again possible to use a controller keyboard to step input notes into a region before bar 1.

  • MIDI Draw view now correctly shows MIDI data in regions that have been divided.

  • Cables in the Environment window can now be deleted with the Delete or Backspace keys.

  • When creating a new Fader object in the Environment, the Vertical 6 and Knob 6 styles are now available.

  • Names of objects placed in Environment Macros are now reliably visible and correctly positioned.

  • Environment object names now remain visible when they are moved or copied.

  • Numerically entering the denominator for a time signature in the list editor now results in the correct value.

  • It is no longer necessary to click on a floating window to bring it into focus before double-clicking a parameter to edit it.

  • When a project is reopened, the Step Input keyboard now remembers the last used note length.


  • New recordings that extend the length of a SMPTE locked take folder are now visible and can be edited as expected.

  • Flattening a take folder that has been shortened now maintains the take folder length.

  • Right-clicking on a closed MIDI take folder now brings up a contextual menu to select takes.

  • The mute status of a take folder is now preserved when either Flatten or Flatten or Flatten and Merge is performed on it.

  • The hot spots for clicking the controls on a Take folder now retain their correct positions in cases where the Take folder contains Apple Loops.

  • Editing a Take folder with the Scissors while recording another track with Punch on the Fly no longer causes an unexpected position shift of the take folder on the edited track.

  • User named comps are no longer renamed to their default name when a different comp segment is selected in one of the Take folders on a set of grouped audio tracks.

  • Existing Take Folders are no longer shortened if a region is moved to an overlapped position while the Drag Mode is set to Overlap.

  • The Trim Region End to Next Region and Trim Region Start to Previous Region commands now work on Take folders that have Quick Swipe Comping disabled.

  • Clicking on a flex-pitch note from a selected Take in the Audio Track editor no longer causes the focus in the Tracks area to be lost.


  • Flex Time and Flex Pitch now work more efficiently with very large projects.

  • Slicing mode no longer causes the visible waveform to change on audio that is not stretched or compressed.

  • The display range for a Flex Pitch enabled region is now properly maintained when switching from it to a MIDI Region and back again

  • Splitting a Flex Pitch enabled region in the middle of a note no longer causes Flex Pitch to be reset for the region that is created to the right of the split.

  • Logic no longer shows an error message when playing back a track with Flex Time enabled that contains a series of very short regions each belonging to different audio files.

  • Playback quality of flex pitched audio tracks is now consistent, no matter where along the timeline playback is started.

  • There is a new Flex Pitch option in the Track Parameter inspector for selecting how to treat unvoiced portions of the audio when formants have been edited.


  • The Drummer Editor now immediately shows changes to the Drummer region color.

  • The Drummer Editor Auto Select function now works properly when the Playhead crosses from a MIDI region to a Drummer region in the Drummer track.

  • Changing the preference for Clock Format no longer sometimes lengthens Drummer regions by one clock tick.

  • Changing a track’s Drummer character no longer removes data from regions that have been converted from Drummer to MIDI regions.

Track Stacks

  • Using the Create New Track with Same Channel Strip/Instrument command on the last track within a track stack now places the new track within the track stack, as expected.

  • Replacing a track stack with a single channel patch from the Sound Library now works as expected.

  • Duplicated Track Stacks no longer route to the Main Output instead of a properly duplicated Auxiliary.

  • Using the New Track with Same Instrument command on a closed Track Stack now correctly creates a Track Stack that uses the same Instruments as the original.

  • Using the Duplicate Track with Same Settings command on a track in a Summing Track Stack whose output has been changed no longer changes the output of both the original track and the duplicated track to the default Bus output for the Track Stack.

  • When a Track Stack is duplicated, the track colors are now duplicated as well.

Global Tracks

  • When the time signature is set to ¾ time, long-clicking a marker no longer moves all selected markers a beat to the left.

  • Marker Sets are now reliably deleted.

  • Editing the border of multiple selected Markers now correctly adjusts all of them.

  • Moving markers during playback no longer causes clicks in the audio output.

  • The color of a marker in the Marker List Editor now immediately updates when its color is changed in the Marker track.

  • Choosing Create Marker from the Marker track right-click menu now places the new marker where the mouse is clicked, rather than at the Playhead position.

  • Markers in the Time Ruler no longer appear to overlap one another at certain zoom levels.

  • Markers now properly move back to their original positions when Undo is used after performing Select All and then dragging.

  • Performing Undo after making multiple edits in the Tempo List now steps back one edit at a time as expected.

  • Beat markers are now reliably placed at bar positions when Beats from Region is applied in the Beat Mapping track.

  • Performing Undo after selecting a different name for an Arrangement Marker no longer deletes the marker instead of reverting to the previous name.

  • Moving an Arrangement marker no longer disables the Match Groove Track option for tracks where it was enabled.

  • A long click on a tempo curve no longer causes it to shift a quarter note to the left.

  • Movie track thumbnails are no longer unnecessarily regenerated when the movie track is toggled.

  • It is now possible to undo the creation of a transpose point in the Transpose track.

  • Transposition values in the Transpose track now properly retain their values when moved as a result of changing the position of an Arrangement Marker.


  • The Mixer now reliably displays custom track names after using the “Name Track by Region Name” option.

  • When multiple channel strips are selected in the Mixer, Option clicking a send no longer sometimes sets it to +6 db, rather than 0 db as expected.

  • The output on a channel strip created by dragging a surround audio file into the Tracks area, or by extracting surround audio from a movie is now set to Surround as expected.

  • All Auxes with inputs assigned to the same bus now remain active when a channel strip outputting to that bus is soloed.

  • Aux channels created by duplicating a channel in a multi-output Software Instrument now have the correct input.


  • Automation nodes are no longer unexpectedly duplicated when dragging regions in the Tracks area.

  • It is now easier to grab automation points without inadvertently moving them.

  • Automation and global track data are now properly handled when Cut/Insert Time operations are performed in a project that contains no regions.

  • There are now Key Commands to nudge automation values up or down.

  • The key commands Create 1 Automation Point each for Volume, Pan, Sends and Create 2 Automation Points each for Volume, Pan, Sends now work for all tracks in a group.

  • It is now possible to drag a newly created MIDI Draw point to its minimum or maximum possible value on the first try.

  • Grabbing a selected group of Sustain events in the MIDI Draw view no longer causes them to unexpectedly change values.

  • When recording Region Based Automation to an Output track, Logic now indicates it is creating a region while recording.

  • Editing Region Based Automation during playback no longer causes automation to jump to the wrong level after the playhead passes the end of the region.

  • Trim Automation no longer works on protected tracks.

  • MIDI Volume and Pan controller events at the end of a region are now reliably converted to Automation events when the Move All Track Automation to Region key command is used.

  • Existing region based automation for a plug-in now continues to play back correctly when the plug-in is moved to a different slot in the channel strip.

  • It is now always possible to edit Region Based Automation on Take Folders.

  • Adjusting Smart Controls for a frozen track no longer writes automation.

  • Automation for tracks deleted as a result of using the Delete Unused Tracks command is now properly recovered by Undo.

  • Key commands to nudge selected objects/events now work on automation.

  • The Repeat regions/events command now works with Automation.

  • Automation for plug-in parameters now reliably chases when sample accurate automation is on.


  • Alchemy now remembers the last used folder location when loading user-created IR files.

  • Alchemy now fully supports Unicode/2-byte characters for file names, folder names, patch names and comments.

  • Emoji symbols now work properly for names and labels in Alchemy.

  • Re-enabling Core Audio before saving an edited Alchemy preset no longer causes its AAZ data to be lost.

  • Imported Alchemy AAZ data is now reliably retained when an auto-saved project is opened.

  • Sound quality is improved in Alchemy when samples are imported using Additive + Spectral Analysis Mode.

  • Alchemy no longer produces a short click when the Attack envelope is set to 0.

  • Alchemy no longer displays an unnecessary “Activate all sources to enable morphing” warning when three samples are imported in Spectral mode to sources A, B and C, and then Morph Linear is enabled.

  • In Alchemy, canceling a second zone import containing multiple files no longer leaves some of the files added to the group along with additional empty zones.

  • The FM Filter parameters of Alchemy now show the correct names in the Mod Rack and for automation.

  • When a delay is loaded into the Alchemy effects rack, the knob now shows the correct range of –100 – +100.

  • The Glide knob in Alchemy now consistently displays Rate or Time value according to the option selected for that preset.

  • Adding an effect that causes Alchemy’s Effects Rack to reposition or redraw no longer causes some controls to be unexpectedly renamed.

  • The Alchemy LFO Waveform display now reliably resets after the LFO section file is cleared.

  • When stepping through source files that are named after an oscillator, Alchemy no longer selects an oscillator and sets it to VA mode.

  • Alchemy AHDSR envelope Hold and Decay stages now trigger consistently with short values.

  • The Alchemy Convolution Reverb IR selection menu now shows a check mark next to the correct entry after another effect has been added to the Effects rack.

  • The Additive and Spectral effect parameters of Alchemy no longer unexpectedly reset after selecting a third Additive effect for slaved Morph Sources, or adjusting the Spectral Filter’s frequency values.

  • Selecting None for Alchemy’s Additive or Spectral effects now disables the effect as expected.

  • Alchemy no longer shows an unneeded Locate File dialog when saving a project in which audio has been imported using Add+Spec+Formant into a Source since the project was last saved.

  • When Alchemy imports a melodic Apple Loop, it now uses the key tag stored in the loop to set the root note.

  • The Project Management > Cleanup Project command no longer removes Alchemy IR files stored in the project package or folder.

  • Alchemy now navigates correctly in folder structures in which a parent folder contains subfolders that have the same name as the parent folder.

  • Performing Save As on an existing Alchemy preset no longer incorrectly applies that preset's attributes as a filter to the preset list.

  • Alchemy’s Add + Spec analysis now ignores noise components of the signal, providing better separation between noise and harmonic components.

  • When Alchemy imports an EXS instrument with only one group to a new group or zone in Alchemy, the resulting zones are now expanded to cover the full velocity range.

  • When an AHDSR with a very short attack is assigned to an Alchemy amplitude control, notes played during the release phase of other notes no longer cause a click.

  • When a consolidated Logic project is copied to another computer, Alchemy no longer sometimes asks to locate missing assets.

  • XFade XY morphs no longer affect sources that are not set to participate in the morph.

  • When importing to additional sources in Additive mode to an existing sound, the new sources’ effects values are now set to default.

  • The Mod Source name is now properly displayed in the Mod rack when either KeyFollow or KeyFollowFixed is assigned to a control.


  • The Microphaser now opens in Editor view as expected in projects originally created in Logic 10.2 or earlier.

  • The Modulation Delay plug-in now includes a Feedback Filter.

  • The Chorus and Modulation Delay plug-ins now each provide a D-Mode button.

  • The Ensemble plug-in no longer sometimes produces crackling noises when both the LFO rate and Intensity are set to low values.

  • Autofilter again provides an LFO Retrigger switch.

  • Right- or Control-clicking a pad in Drum Machine Designer now opens an icon picker.

  • Drum Machine Designer now remains visible when Logic Pro is not the active application.

  • Instantiating Drum Machine Designer now opens the plug-in interface.

  • Right-clicking a cell allows its icon to be set to “No icon” in Drum Machine Designer.

  • Inserting a kit piece from the library into an empty Drum Kit Designer patch no longer replaces the entire patch with the kit piece.

  • Loading kit pieces into the cells of the Empty Kit template now behaves as expected.

  • Amp Designer no longer sometimes outputs unexpected noise after switching from TREM to VIB.

  • The Tuner now works when an External Instrument track is selected.

  • Hold is now independent for the Analyzer, Goniometer and Level Meter sections of the Multimeter plug-in.

  • The controls panel at the bottom of the Multimeter plug-in can now be hidden.

  • When Hold is enabled, the Multimeter plug-in now continues to reliably display peaks until playback is started again or the graph is clicked.

  • In the Multimeter plug-in with Hold enabled and Peak set to infinite, the peak indicators remain visible during playback when a period of silence is encountered in the track or song.

  • Ultrabeat no longer unexpectedly changes to Step Sequencer mode when the Command and Option keys are pressed while the plug-in window is open.

  • The Bright/Fat switch on the Double Dragon pedal now operates as expected.

  • The Seed parameter in the MIDI Randomizer plug-in now works as expected.

  • Delay compensation for the Pitch Shifter plug-in is now reliably calculated.

  • Option-clicking the Semitones knob in the Pitch Shifter plug-in now sets it to 0 semitones instead of +7 semitones.

  • The graph in the Bit Crusher plug-in now remains visible when the window is closed and then re-opened.

  • Instruments created with the Scripter plug-in now pass settings from unknown MIDI processors through.

  • Plug-in presets can now be reliably opened using the Load command from all Logic plug-ins.

  • Plug-in sidechain assignments are now properly maintained when duplicating a track.

  • Double-clicking the icon in the Patch Library for any software instrument based track now opens the software instrument plug-in.

  • An issue is addressed which could cause plug-ins to incorrectly show as missing.

  • A rare issue in which duplicated EXS24 instruments might stop playing back is resolved.

  • The Plug-in Manager now shows a warning dialog if a custom name that already is in use is entered for another plug-in.


  • When using the Replace Track option while bouncing a track with automation in place, the track volume is set to 0 dB, the pan to 0 and automation mode to off.

  • Portions of tracks that start earlier than bar 1 are no longer silent when frozen.

  • When bouncing a track in place to a new track, the new track now inherits the track name, and track notes from the original track.

  • When exporting multiple audio regions on a Japanese system, the resulting files now reliably are given the correct name.

  • Logic now suggests the current project name when bouncing a project to disk after saving the project as a new name.

  • Sharing to Mail, Soundcloud or Airdrop now reliably includes looped regions when Cycle is active.

  • Export Track as Audio File and Export All Tracks as Audio Files now properly timestamps the resulting files when Limit to Cycle is enabled.

  • The start and end points for a bounce now account for selected but closed Track Stacks.

  • When exporting or bouncing a Track Stack that contains multiple sub-tracks that use the same Software Instrument channel strip, each sub-track is now exported or bounced as a separate audio file.

  • Logic now retains the last used setting for the Send to iTunes check box in the Bounce Project dialog.

  • MIDI plug-ins are no longer bypassed when the Bypass Effect Plug-ins option is enabled when bouncing regions in place.

  • When bouncing multi-output Software Instrument tracks in place, regions on sub-tracks of the software instrument are now muted after the bounce is performed, as expected.

  • When importing from another Logic Pro project, the import dialog now defaults to the last Alternative saved for the source project, and shows the date and time that each Alternative was last saved.


  • There is now a chord language setting for Roman chords in the Score Project settings.

  • The Staves and Voices section of the Staff Styles window now resizes correctly when switching views.

  • The numerator and denominator of time signatures are no longer flipped while they are being dragged from the Part Box.

  • It is now possible to enter notes and objects into the No Clef staff style while in linear view.

  • The gap has between chords and accidentals in the score has been reduced.

  • Beams are now drawn correctly across line breaks in the Score.

  • Guitar and Bass tablature in new projects and templates now display an octave lower.

  • The Chord Language setting is now reliably maintained when the Chord Editor is activated.

  • A content-linked Score window is now immediately updated when a region is copied in the Tracks area.


  • The File > Movie submenu now lists all movie files copied into the project folder.

  • An empty movie window is no longer created when Cancel is clicked in a Movie Missing alert dialog.

  • When Export Audio to Movie is used, embedded audio in the movie is now off by default.

  • Movie windows now show the same content and movie controls show as expected when switching out of full screen mode.

  • The Movie window and Movie thumbnail track now properly update when switching between movies that are both contained within the project package.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

  • All knobs of a MIDI controller assigned to Smart Controls now work when used in addition to a Logic Control.

  • The Transport buttons on the Nektar Impact LX49 now work as expected.

  • The Transport button on AKAI MPK25 and MPK88 controllers now work as expected.

  • Switches on AKAI MPK49 keyboards now reliably activate their assigned Smart Controls the first time they are pressed.

  • Knobs on AKAI LPD8 controllers are no longer offset by one position in Smart Controls.

  • Reassigning a control for a learned assignment in the Controller Assignments window no longer sometimes deletes the wrong assignment.

  • The Controller Assignments window can now be reduced in size.

  • Logic Pro now correctly maintains controller assignments when more than one external USB controller is reconnected.

  • Logic Remote now shows all controls for various plug-ins.


  • VoiceOver now maintains proper focus when switching display modes on the LCD Display.

  • It is now possible to adjust the pan value of a surround track using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver now provides spoken feedback when a key command is used to solo, mute, or arm a track for recording.

  • The vertical zoom level of individual tracks can now be adjusted using VoiceOver.

  • VoiceOver focus now properly changes to the new track when using the up and down arrows to navigate to different tracks in the Track Header.


  • Logic Pro no longer unexpectedly responds to MTC Full Frame messages when MTC synchronization is disabled.

  • Chase now works with notes that are less than 640 ticks in length.

  • When duplicating tracks, custom user names are now retained.

  • It is again possible to drag the mouse to enable/disable consecutive radio buttons in the I/O Labels window.

  • The lock symbol is now consistently displayed on SMPTE locked regions.

  • The Loop tool now works on flexed audio regions.

  • The No Overlap setting now works reliably when multiple regions are dropped onto regions in other tracks.

  • Regions can again be click-selected when their anchor has been moved to the right, and overlaps the start of the following region in the track.

  • Smart controls objects now remain properly in place after Undo is performed following section of a new patch from the Library.

  • The Quantize Selected Events key command now continues to work properly after the Undo Quantization key command has been used.

  • Logic now creates a track below the currently selected track when the Add to Tracks command is used to add an audio file from the Project Bin.

  • When renaming regions in the Inspector, pressing Escape now properly aborts the renaming action, rather than opening the Auto-completion menu.

  • Snap Edits to Zero Crossings again works as expected in the Tracks Area.

  • When an unlocked MIDI region is joined to a SMPTE locked region to its right, the events in the region to the right no longer unexpectedly move to a later position. The resulting region is now unlocked, with the MIDI events from the originally locked region remaining locked.

  • Text pasted into the Note Pad now defaults to match the Note Pad text style.

  • The Go to last locate position key command now moves the playhead to the correct position when used after using the Set Playhead to Next/Last Transient key command.

  • The patch names in the Multi Instrument Editor now update immediately when a new bank is selected from either the Bank drop-down menu in the editor, or the Track Inspector.

  • Auto-Colorize Takes now works when recording audio whether Cycle is enabled or not.

  • It is again possible to delete a sub-channel in a multi-output software instrument after undoing the deletion of the instrument.

  • Audio region waveforms no longer jitter when the left edge of the region is adjusted.

  • Performing undo after adjusting the left corner of a region no longer causes the region be unselected.

  • Adjusting the left border of a region in which the Anchor has been moved no longer causes to left border to snap to the Anchor position.

  • Selecting a MIDI-Controlled Effect in the New Track sheet no longer unexpectedly creates a track with the Electric Piano plug-in.

  • The Toggle Zoom to fit Selection or All Contents key command again works as expedited.

  • Dragging the left channel of a split stereo file whose sample rate does not match the project now correctly imports both files of the pair, and brings up the dialog offering to convert the file sample rate.

  • The Junction tool now works properly with regions whose Anchor position has been adjusted.

  • Logic no longer sends constant CC messages to a connected Roland A500 keyboard.

  • When using Copy/Convert on multiple audio files in the Project Audio window, the process bar now updates to show the correct file names.

  • The key commands to temporarily select tools from an open Tool menu are now user definable.

  • There is now a key command Previously Selected Tool.

  • A project alternative saved while assigned external MIDI ports are unavailable now correctly reconnects to those ports when they are again available.

  • MIDI port assignments for external MIDI tracks no longer sometimes unexpectedly change when additional MIDI ports become available.

  • The selection no longer sometimes unexpectedly jumps to the previous patch when using the arrow keys to step though the Sound Library.

  • Destructively time compressing an audio region by Option-dragging its left corner no longer unexpectedly shifts the left border of the following region.

  • Scrubbing over a MIDI region with the Scissors tool no longer sometimes causes Chase to be disabled for Notes in Project Settings > MIDI > Chase.

  • Changing to a different screenset no longer resets the view filter settings in the Loop Browser.

  • Starting a recording with the Marquee Ruler active no longer brings up an unexpected Bounce dialog.

  • Dragging a track whose output is set to a Bus out of a Folder Track Stack no longer incorrectly changes its output to the Stereo Output.

  • Audio waveforms now display properly at high horizontal zoom levels in projects that contain tempo changes.

  • Text pasted into Logic’s Notepad is now automatically converted to the default text style to guarantee readability.

  • Performing Undo after editing a flex marker in the Audio Track Editor no longer deselects the take.

  • Shift+Option-dragging a region again creates an Alias rather than a copy in projects that contain at least one take folder.

  • Audio regions or files dragged into the Tracks area now consistently adopt the color of the track’s channel strip.

  • It is now possible to toggle Solo Safe mode on the Solo buttons in the Track List.

  • Performing Undo after Convert Regions to Sampler Track no longer deletes environment objects.

  • The Track List no longer shows control bars for offline control surfaces.

  • The Rename Track field is now visible when the Rename Track key command is used on a track with a high vertical zoom level.

  • The Convert Sustain Pedal to Note Length no longer sometimes leaves unexpected sustain events in the region.

  • It is now possible to undo the creation of a new Group.

  • The position tick marks on the time ruler are now reliably drawn at their correct positions at all horizontal zoom states.

  • Search for high-ASCII characters in the Loop Browser is no longer case sensitive, matching the behavior of search using other characters.

  • It is now possible to start a rubber-band selection with the Zoom tool in the area beyond the end of the project.

  • Deleting a single point marquee selection on a SMPTE locked region no longer deletes the portion of the region to the right of the selection.

  • Activating record in the Impulse Response Utility no longer also activates the solo button, which sometimes lead to unexpected feedback.

  • Crossfades are now applied as expected to all audio tracks in a group.

  • Program change messages are now sent as expected out of External Instrument tracks.

  • It is no longer possible to move events to a position before the start of a region using the Nudge Left command.

  • The region that results from joining several shorter regions is no longer sometimes a few samples shorter than the length of the combined source regions.

  • Logic now prompts to save the project when closing a floating Region Inspector window, when the floating window is the last open window in the project.

  • MIDI regions created using Capture as Recording while Replace mode is active are no longer silent during playback.

  • Patches for properly installed Sound Library content are no longer dimmed in certain rare situations.

  • It is now possible to name a group while the Group Settings window is open.

  • When the command Cut Section is performed on a folder that contains frozen tracks, a warning that the tracks must be first unfrozen is now shown, as expected.

  • Logic now clears the buffer of MIDI notes played while stopped when playback is started by double-clicking the timeline.

  • Changing the number of available MIDI ports on the computer no longer causes the MIDI out port assignment for the Metronome to change.

  • Option-clicking a track solo button with multiple tracks selected now reliably activates solo for all selected tracks, and deactivates solo for all other tracks.

  • Logic’s Playhead no longer sometimes gets stuck in rare cases when going into and out of audio recording quickly a number of consecutive times.

  • Loading a new patch into a track while other tracks are soloed no longer causes the track to be unexpectedly muted.

  • It is no longer possible to delete factory patches from the Patch Library browser.

  • Activating the Replace button now works to replace existing recordings on MIDI tracks.

  • Adjusting the position or borders of the Cycle during playback no longer causes the playhead to unexpectedly jump to the cursor position.

  • When a Logic project is dragged from the Finder to the All Files pane, the dragged project now remains selected in All Files.

  • Undo is now possible after using the contextual menu to remove fades from regions.

  • Low Latency mode now properly bypasses latency causing plug-ins on sub-tracks of multi-output Software Instruments.

  • Unlocking a protected track no longer can cause scrolling in the Main window to stop working.

Logic Pro 10.2.2

Logic Pro 10.2.2 includes the following changes.

New Features/Enhancements

  • Logic now offers a new preference pane (Control Surfaces > MIDI Controllers) that allows the automatic assignment of controls for supported USB MIDI control devices to be enabled and disabled.


  • Logic no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly when:

    • At startup there are aliases in the path to the Alchemy database or presets, or if the Alchemy database has been set to Read-only

    • Displaying a content download progress bar

    • Opening a Channel EQ plug-in window from Logic Remote

    • A project containing an open Score text box is closed

    • Opening the Audio File Editor with a key command when running in Japanese

    • Opening the Plug-in Manger if there is a custom display name for a plug-in that contains more than 2 spaces

    • Grouping files in the Audio Bin

    • Option-dragging a folder stack

  • Logic no longer sometimes stops responding when:

    • Canceling a download while previewing an Apple Loop in the Loop Browser

    • Using VoiceOver to interact with the Mixer

    • Clicking on the Library tab with a software instrument track selected and an instance of Melodyne 4 inserted on an audio track


  • Rubber band selection of MIDI Draw data in the Piano Roll now works correctly when the selection is started outside the boundaries of the region.

  • Dragging is now restricted to the vertical direction when pressing Control + Shift while dragging a note in the Flex Pitch editor to move it more than one semitone.


  • Automation of Stereo Delay and Tape Delay created in Logic Pro 10.2 or older now plays back correctly in Logic Pro 10.2.2 or later.


  • Creating tracks from the Mixer no longer unexpectedly changes their output setting.


  • The display for IR waveforms in Space Designer now updates immediately when loading a preset or reversing an IR.

  • User added Space Designer impulse responses copied from one computer to another are now reliably found on the destination computer.

  • Logic again can open instances of Altiverb 7.1 or earlier.


  • It is again possible to use strike-through text in the Score editor.


  • Audio from an open movie no longer mutes unexpectedly when the playhead is touched.

  • Right or Control-clicking a movie window again opens a contextual menu as expected.


  • MIDI input now works with Roland A49 and A88 USB keyboards.

  • Playback in Cycle mode now remains in sync when using latency causing plug-ins.

  • Playing MIDI data into Logic after stopping no longer clears data from the Capture Last Recording buffer.

  • The Orchestral and Music for Picture project templates are again available when the Orchestral content is installed.

  • Audio recordings made by punching in and out in Cycle mode with the Create Track preference set for overlapping recordings are now reliably in sync.

  • All key commands are now functioning as expected while Logic downloads additional content.

  • Moving one or more regions and then performing undo no longer causes them to be unselected.

  • The Follow Tempo check box is again available in the region inspector after detecting the tempo of the region.

  • It is again possible to load tempo information stored in an audio file into the Logic project.

  • The Playhead again scrolls smoothly when zoomed out on large projects.

  • Strip Silence again delivers consistent results when reapplied with the same settings.

  • All menus now open reliably on computers running OS X 10.9.5.

  • It is again possible to move a region on a software instrument track that is adjacent to a track stack to a different position along the time line without the region being inadvertently moved into the track stack.

  • Dragging the left edge of an audio region with Snap to Zero Crossing enabled no longer sometimes causes the waveform display to make it look as though the region content has shifted.

  • In region solo mode, all sends now sound as expected when selecting regions on different tracks.

  • Clicking in the Timeline now correctly positions the Playhead when Skip Cycle is enabled.

  • It is again possible to type in a value higher than +6db in the Region Gain parameter.

  • Stopping playback with the Transport no longer unexpectedly re-enables Catch Playhead Position when it has been disabled in the Toolbar.

  • After deleting a take when recording to a group of audio channels, Logic no longer sometimes disarms recording for all but the selected track and shows an incorrect “Multiple channels of this recording group have identical input setting”.

  • Audio input monitoring now works with Varispeed active when the Multithreading preference Playback & Live Tracks is activated.

  • When opened with an empty audio track, the Audio Track Editor no longer opens near its maximum zoom level.

  • The Playhead now cycles correctly when the Audio > Devices > Multithreading preference is set to Playback Tracks.

  • The Scroll to Selection key command again works during playback.

  • The 2/3 option for Detect Tempo now works as expected.

Logic Pro 10.2.1

Logic Pro 10.2.1 includes the following changes.

New Features and enhancements

  • Logic Pro 10.2.1 includes over 650 new Apple Loops in a variety of dance and popular music genres.

  • An Audio preference has been added for multithreading live tracks to improve CPU performance when processing multiple live channels.

  • The spectral engine in Alchemy now provides 11 spectral effects that allow creative sound processing in the frequency domain.

  • Logic now applies plug-in delay compensation to the playhead, to metering on the mixer, and within plug-ins.

  • The tempo map embedded in Music Memos Ideas can be exported to the Project tempo.

  • You can drag Apple Loops into Alchemy and they automatically conform to the current tempo.

  • The downbeat of Music Memos Ideas automatically snaps to the bar nearest the playhead when imported.

  • The accuracy of the Detect Tempo options has been significantly improved, especially with long audio files

  • The content of the Score edit window reliably updates as expected when the Same Level link mode is enabled

  • Alchemy now supports MIDI mono mode. This lets you use third-party Expressive MIDI Controllers including products from Roli and Roger Linn Design.

  • There's now an Empty Kit patch for Drum Machine Designer to use when building custom kits from samples dragged and into empty cells.

  • The playhead now remains visible in the Audio File Editor and you can use it to navigate in the Audio File Editor when playback is stopped.

  • You can now manually (independently of the alphabet) sort Categories folders in the Plug-In Manager by grabbing and dragging a folder to a new place in the list.

  • There are two new columns in the Plug-In Manager that can be used to assign long and/or short names to each of the plug-ins. The longer name appears in the menu, and the shorter name appears in the plug-in insert.

  • The Sound Library and Apple Loops browsers now display content that's available but not yet downloaded. Individual files or directories can also be downloaded directly from within the browsers.

  • You can now hold the Shift key while clicking on an empty channel strip EQ graph to insert a Linear Phase EQ.

  • The drum kits and software instruments in Logic now respond to Force Touch and 3-D touch with supported devices.

  • Drum Machine Designer now supports drag and drop of multiple audio files at a time.

  • There's now an option to include tempo information when importing MIDI files into an existing project.

  • Logic now supports the WAV RF64 audio file format for WAV files greater than 4 GB in size.

  • You can now use the Export Region as Audio File command with multiple selected regions.

  • Export Track as Audio File now works for multiple selected tracks, with each track exported as a separate file.

  • Bounce Tracks in Place now works for multiple selected tracks.

  • There's a new metronome option to generate accents according to the beat grouping of the current time signature.

  • If the currently selected audio device isn't available, Logic now uses one of the other three most recently used audio devices in order of last usage (instead of defaulting to the built-in audio hardware).

  • There's a new project setting recording option to "Create Tracks when recording in Cycle mode."

  • You can now define Catch behavior independently per window by right-clicking or Control-clicking the Catch button in each window.

  • The Step Editor now includes a Lane Set you can use to automatically create lanes that display all the content in a region.

  • You can now reposition Plug-in windows by grabbing either the header, or the lower edge of the window.

  • Alchemy now automatically adjusts the gain when morphing formants.

  • MIDI generated from Create MIDI Track using Flex Pitch Data now includes velocity data based on the source audio volume.

  • The function to delete unused tracks now offers an option to include tracks without regions that contain automation.

  • When the horizontal size of the Main window is decreased enough to hide the Waveform Zoom and Vertical Auto Zoom buttons, those controls now are added to the Action menu.

  • When bouncing to a new track, Track Notes from the source track are now transferred to the destination track.

  • When you drag a Piano Roll Time Frame handle past another, it now pivots the note start positions (instead of swapping note starts and ends). You can still trigger the older behavior by holding Shift while you drag the handles.

  • The behavior of the Option key in the Event List now depends on where you place the pointer:

    • When you scrub with the Option key in the event value or position columns of a group of selected events, it allows editing to continue when the maximum or minimum limit is reached on part of the selection.

    • When you scrub on the event type column with the Option key, it temporarily solos the events.

  • There's now a key command "Hide all empty tracks" that hides all tracks that don't contain regions or automation.

  • If Logic Remote sends a custom key command for a feature that's not available for the current Advanced Tools setting, you're now prompted to activate the needed setting.

  • Clicking the VCA slot in the Inspector area channel strip now switches the second channel strip in the Inspector to the corresponding VCA channel.

  • You can now create and flatten Track Stacks in the Mixer in Tracks view.

  • You can now create a new category in the Plug-In Manager by dragging a selection of plug-ins below the last category in the Category column.

  • Beat Mapping now works with Take regions.

  • When a set of non-contiguous regions is selected in a track the Catch Playhead in the Piano Roll now automatically disables and re-enables as needed during playback.

  • The Score now provides a button to zoom the staff to fill all available vertical space in single track view.

  • The track export dialog now offers an option to limit the export to the cycle range.

  • You can now horizontally drag multiple selected take regions when Quick Swipe Comping is disabled for a Take Folder.

  • The Drummer Editor now includes an Auto Region Select button that selects Drummer regions in the track as the Playhead reaches them.

  • The new tool selection latch mode lets you temporarily select a tool by pressing and holding its key command.

  • You can now use Smart controls to automatically configure how Logic interacts with various MIDI controllers and keyboards.

  • Scrubbing with the Option key in the event value or position columns on a group of selected events allows editing to continue when the maximum or minimum limit is reached on part of the selection.

  • Scrubbing on the event type column with the Option key temporarily solos the events.

  • The Piano Roll View menu now offers a Region Transpose option that causes the display of notes in the Piano Roll to match the Transpose setting in the Region Inspector.

  • Hovering the pointer over a plug-in slot now displays a Help tag with the plug-in name and the name of the plug-in preset (if one is loaded).

These plug-ins have been updated with new Retina-ready interfaces:

  • Stereo Delay, Tape Delay, Sample Delay, Bitcrusher, Clip Distortion, Distortion, Phase Distortion, Adaptive Limiter, Limiter, Single Band EQ, AutoFilter, Levelmeter, Multimeter, Chorus, Ensemble, Flanger, Microphaser, Phaser, EnVerb, SilverVerb, Gain, Klopfgeist, Test Oscillator, Correlation Meter, Surround Level Meter, Surround Limiter, Binaural Post-Processing

These plug-ins include the following new features:

Delays > Stereo Delay

  • Stereo Link – Change parameters for both Left and Right channels at the same time while preserving any differences between values. The Command key acts as a temporary way to disengage the stereo link for making changes to individual Left and Right channels.

  • There are now separate filter settings for both Left and Right channels.

  • Dotted and Triplet notes have been added to the delay time menu.

  • Dragging the delay time knobs can be used to set the timing with "in-between" value deviation. Clicking on the note values around a knob snaps to times with deviation set to 0%.

  • Routing presets make it easy to set up common delay patterns like Ping Pong, Panning, Rotating and more.

Delays > Tape Delay

  • Tape Delay now includes Tape Head Mode and Spread control.

  • The Distortion Level has been renamed to Clip Threshold.

  • Dotted and Triplet notes have been added to the delay time menu.

  • Dragging the delay time knobs can be used to set the timing with "in-between" value deviation. Clicking on the note values around a knob snaps to times with deviation set to 0%.

Delays > Sample Delay

  • You can now switch the delay amount between milliseconds and samples.

Distortions > Bitcrusher

  • The Mix parameter is now on the main interface.

Distortions > Distortion

  • Level Compensation is now on the main interface

Distortions > Overdrive

  • Now includes Level compensation

Dynamics > Adaptive Limiter

  • Meter delay compensation

  • Optimal look ahead button

Dynamics > Limiter

  • Meter delay compensation

  • Choice of Legacy and Precision mode

Dynamics > Surround Limiter

  • Meter delay compensation

  • Choice of Legacy and Precision mode

Filters > AutoFilter

  • AutoFilter now includes Add Peak filter mode.

  • The Distortion Mode menu now includes Classic, Tube, and Scream

  • The Distortion Mode can be selected individually for input and output distortion.

  • There are now separate Distortion Mode menus for Pre and Post Filter.

  • The Distortion, LFO, Envelope, and Filter sections now each have an individual bypass button.

Metering > Correlation Meter

  • Meter delay compensation

Metering > Levelmeter

  • Meter delay compensation

  • Numerical readout for max RMS value

  • Vertical and horizontal UI versions

  • Adjustable "Target Level" where the yellow range starts

Metering > Surround Level Meter

  • Meter delay compensation

  • Adjustable "Target Level" for Center, LFE and other channels

Metering > Multimeter

  • Meter delay compensation

  • Numeric readout for max RMS value

  • New 63 band mode

  • Adjustable "Target Level" where the yellow range starts

  • Loudness meter

  • Discrete readouts for LU-I and LU-S

Modulation > Ensemble

  • On/off for LFO 1, LFO 2, and Random modulation sources

Modulation > Flanger

  • Sync for LFO

Modulation > Microphaser

  • Sync for LFO

Modulation > Phaser

  • Sync for LFO

  • Exponential sweep mode

  • Feedback filter on/off switch

Reverbs > SilverVerb

  • On/off switch for modulation

Stability and performance

  • Logic no longer unexpectedly quits while playing when you convert the sample rate of a new project to match that of an audio file dragged into the Tracks area.

  • Logic no longer becomes unresponsive when dragging a vertically zoomed track with several lanes of automation displayed.

  • MIDI Time Code is now much more stable when output from a project with multiple tempo changes.

  • Alchemy includes improvements to decrease the potential for clicks and pops when switching between patches while playing.

  • Scrolling and redraw performance is improved with plug-in windows containing a large number of parameters in Controls view.

  • You no longer have to download the Essential Sounds library before you can open Logic.

  • You can now eject an external drive you've imported tracks from without closing the current project.

  • There's no longer a delay in response when long-clicking an Audio DSP slot on a channel strip.

  • The bypass button for plug-ins on channel strip inserts now responds more quickly to rapid and sequential mouse clicks.

  • The first note played on a Software Instrument summing stack is no longer unexpectedly delayed.

  • Playback responsiveness is faster when previewing Apple Loops and performing region edits.

  • Alchemy now uses less CPU processing for each instance.

  • Logic performance is improved when a large number of flexed tracks are visible in the Main window.

  • Logic takes less time to analyze tracks with a large number of regions when Flex is enabled.

  • Logic is also now more responsive for these actions:

    • When rubber-band selecting large numbers of notes in the Piano Roll

    • Using the Pencil to draw in a series of notes in the Step Editor

    • Zooming in projects that contain a large amount of automation

    • Drag-copying or moving automation at high zoom levels

    • Rearranging the order of tracks in the track header in projects that contain a large amount of automation

    • Using a EuCon control surface with projects that contain a large number of tracks

    • Horizontally dragging automation points in projects that contain a large amount of automation

    • Scrolling in the Main window with a large number of tracks, regions, or automation

    • Typing Delay values in the Region Parameter Box in songs that have the Use Musical Grid option disabled

    • Redoing a Comp selection after undoing it

    • Accessing Alchemy sample content by using an alias at launch

    • Using the Enter key to activate the Go to Position command

    • Renaming a channel strip while Logic is playing

    • Loading IR files with certain special characters in their file name in Space Designer

    • Connecting more than one iPad with Logic Remote

    • Choosing presets from the Vintage B3 Organ presets menu


  • The Audio File editor now zooms to use the full horizontal width of the screen when you double-click an audio region.

  • Vertically zooming a stereo file in the Audio File Editor now keeps one channel centered in the display if there's no longer vertical space to show both channels completely.

  • The Bar Ruler in the Audio File Editor now reliably shows the correct position with Apple Loops whose tempos don't match the project tempo.

  • The Audio Editor opens again when you double-click an audio region (instead of opening the separate Audio File Editor).

  • With Catch Playhead enabled, the Audio Track Editor now correctly keeps focus on the Playhead when you switch from track to track.

  • The Audio File Editor now correctly displays the current region position when a Screenset is recalled.

  • The Play Region Solo button again works in the Audio Track Editor when the Secondary Ruler is visible.

  • The Piano Roll now correctly shows MIDI events as they are being recorded on Macs with Retina displays.

  • Undo now works for adjustments made with the Quantize Strength and Swing sliders in the Piano Roll.

  • The Piano Roll now reliably displays the contents of a selected MIDI take folder.

  • It's no longer possible to inadvertently add notes to a folder using the Brush or Pencil tool in the Piano Roll.

  • The Marquee tool now divides all regions in the group as expected when you use it to double-click on grouped tracks.

  • The Piano Roll now reliably shows the content of regions of a selected track when you drag it to a new position in the track header.

  • You can insert notes outside the current division value in the Piano Roll using the Control and Shift modifiers.

  • The contents of a region inside of a folder are now immediately visible in the Piano Roll the first time you select a region.

  • The Collapse button in the Piano Roll is no longer disabled when you click the background of the Tracks area and then reselect a region.

  • It's now easier to make small adjustments to the lengths of notes in the Piano Roll.

  • The MIDI Draw lane in the Piano Roll now properly maintains its size when you close and reopen the Piano Roll.

  • The Piano Roll no longer disables Catch mode when you stop playback and enter notes.

  • The Quantize shortcut menu appears as expected when you click-hold notes in the Piano Roll using the Quantize tool.

  • When you use the Piano Roll solo cycle button to play a region, it continues to play if the region is deselected in the Main window.

  • You can now reliably resize notes in the Piano Roll by grabbing the right edge with any tool.

  • The velocities of newly inserted notes in the Piano Roll now match the value last set by adjusting the Velocity slider in the Inspector.

  • Select All in the Piano Roll no longer selects notes that are outside the current region borders.

  • Position guides in the Piano Roll are now more visible when you enable the Bright background preference.

  • The Piano Roll background colors now correctly match the white/black keys on the keyboard when you switch from Drum Names view.

  • Drum names in the Piano Roll are no longer truncated when you resize the name column wide enough to display the full name.

  • The tool assigned to the Command key in the Piano Roll area now displays correctly when you hover the pointer over the Piano Roll while a different window has key focus.

  • When you select notes of the same pitch by clicking the keyboard in the Piano Roll, they now display as selected in the Event List.

  • Snap MIDI Draw and Automation is again available from the Piano Roll gear menu.

  • Logic now uses the last set Piano Roll note color setting in newly created projects.

  • You can again vertically drag MIDI Draw points to a value of 127.

  • The Pencil tool is no longer limited to creating MIDI Draw points in the left-most region when you select multiple regions in the Piano Roll.

  • An Event list showing the Arrange level no longer simultaneously shows newly recorded MIDI events and regions in the arrangement when you record MIDI.

  • You can now use the Add (+) button in the Event list to insert Fader events.

  • Multiple selected events pasted into the Event editor now all move when you adjust the position of one.

  • The Event Float window now reliably shows currently selected MIDI events, rather than the region that contains them.

  • You can now reliably select unquantized events in the Step Editor.

  • The selected region content is now immediately displayed when you click the Step Editor tab in the Main window after opening a project.

  • The Step Editor now scrolls vertically to show Step Lanes that contain data when you select a region.

  • Object labels in the Environment can now display as multiple lines.

  • When you disconnect a cable from a Transformer object in the Environment, an additional cable port is created as expected.

  • Environment objects can now use any of the 72 available colors from the palette.

  • The editor for the Mapped Instrument displays a vertical keyboard again.

  • When you play MIDI from a controller, and MIDI In is enabled for an editor, and the Sound Library has focus, this no longer triggers step input into the editor


  • Showing automation lanes no longer causes the currently selected track to zoom out of the current view.

  • Track Automation in sections of the project that don't contain regions now moves as expected when you use the "Snip: Cut Section Between Locators" command.

  • Duplicated tracks are now set to the same Automation Mode and active state as their original track.

  • The Automation mode button in the Track header now matches the color of the button in the Mixer.

  • Alchemy Filter 3 automation parameters now have their own submenu in the automation lane (instead of in the Filter 2 submenu).

  • When you paste Automation, it's now reliably placed at the correct position in projects that start either before or after bar 1.

  • Using the key command "Create 2 Automation Points for Visible Parameter" no longer causes the Automation display to switch to a previously selected parameter.

  • When you set the automation mode for the main track of a Drum Machine Designer track stack, it now sets it for all sub-tracks.

  • When you disclose an additional automation lane on a non-selected track, the visible area no longer shifts to show the currently selected track.

  • When Show Automation is active, collapsed Track Stacks now show automation from sub tracks in the stack.


  • Take folder controls are now automatically shifted with the region name so they remain visible at all zoom levels.

  • The active comps in a Take folder now display properly as active when the track is soloed.

  • When you comp in a Take folder that's been copied to a track, and then protect and un-protect the track, it now works as expected.

  • When you select the Pencil Tool, the cursor now shows the correct tool when using Flex Pitch in a Take folder.


  • You no longer have to apply the "Allow Half Values" setting in the Tuplet window twice to a group of notes in order for the setting to take effect.

  • Logic now displays an alert if you create a chord with unplayable fingering in the Chord Grid editor.

  • The Select Equal Colored Notes key command now works in the Score editor.

  • The pointer now reliably selects the correct events when you're working at high bar number positions in the Score.

  • You can now numerically edit values for Size, Transposition, and Split points in the Score Staff Style editor.

  • Zooming out with a scroll-wheel mouse and the Option key in the Score window works more smoothly.

  • The Zoom tool again works as expected in Wrapped view in the Score.

  • Chords in the Score now follow the Transpose Track. You can also transpose them with key commands.

  • Inserted coda signs now display correctly when using the Sigler Jazz font.

  • In chord grids, chord extensions now display on the same line as the chord root.

  • Selecting all regions on a track now selects all the regions in a content-linked Score window.

  • When you select more than one Part Box in the Score, the currently active box now shows a blue frame.

  • The alignment and spacing for Nashville Roman chords is improved.

  • The Score no longer shows unexpected vertical lines at the end of some regions when Fill Gaps is disabled.

  • Double-clicking the instrument area in an empty Score Set now creates an instrument entry.

  • Repeat symbols and double lines now scale properly according to the Score Set scale value.

  • When you grab a note in track or full page view in the Score, the Tooltip now shows the correct absolute position in the project (instead of its relative position in the region).

  • You can now drag and copy score symbols across pages in the Score.

  • You can use the backspace and arrow again to edit and select fields in the Chord Grid library.

  • You can use the Return key again to close an activated text edit field in the Chord Grid Library.

  • The Score display is no longer corrupted when you scroll the visible area.

  • Adding a chord grid from the Chord Grid editor no longer inserts an empty chord grid.

  • The Hide All Time Signatures project setting now hides all time signatures as expected. There is also a new setting to hide only the first time signature.

  • The Show Same Level link mode in the Score now takes the instrument filter parameter into account.

  • The Colors menu in the Staff Style window now shows a color bar, as well as the color label.

  • Pressing Option when moving a bar with the Layout tool now preserves subsequent manually inserted Line Breaks.

  • You can now edit Drummer regions that have been converted to MIDI regions in the Score.


  • The display of Flex Time enabled regions has been updated to make it easier to identify areas that are flexed:

    • When you add a Flex marker to grouped tracks in Slice Mode, the action no longer unexpectedly moves Transient markers.

    • Flex Pitch editing can be performed directly in the Tracks area using a Piano Roll interface

  • When you enlarge a quantized audio region, quantization is now correctly applied to the newly revealed portion of the region.

  • You can now reliably delete Flex markers in Take folders by double-clicking.

  • When you load a patch or channel strip setting on an Audio channel with Flex enabled, it no longer disables Flex.

  • The Analyze Audio for Flex Editing command now recovers note pitches previously deleted from Takes.

  • When you select a note in another region by grabbing one of its hot spots, Flex Pitch notes are now properly de-selected.

  • When you cut a region using the Flex Slicing mode, the waveform for the resulting region to the left of the cut now displays as expected.

  • Compressed areas are displayed in white.

  • Stretched areas are displayed in gray.

  • Areas retaining the region color play at their native speed.


  • The visible area no longer jumps to the original region when editing the end point of a looped Drummer region.

  • When you divide a Drummer region with the Scissors tool, Logic no longer shows an Overlapping Notes Found message.

  • When you lengthen a Drummer region in the Event Editor, it now updates the content of the region.


  • Drum Machine Designer tracks no longer appear in the Mixer when Instruments are filtered from view.

  • Solo buttons in the Track Header now show Solo Safe when you enable it for the corresponding channel in the Mixer or Inspector channel strip.

  • Values of 0 db no longer display on the Mixer level meter preceded by a minus (-) sign.

  • Switching an Apogee Audio channel from mono to stereo now properly updates its audio device controls.

  • If you select a channel in a Mixer when no channel was previously selected, it now also selects the corresponding track in the Main window.

  • The Dim button on Logic’s Master fader now illuminates as expected when you activate Dim from Logic Remote.

  • Clicking the Settings menu in the Mixer no longer disables the Compare button for a plug-in that has been modified.

  • Duplicated folder track stacks now are correctly set to a new VCA control fader.


  • You can now set movies to start at negative SMPTE times.

  • Movie region borders are now consistently calculated properly at 23.97, 23.976, and 59.94 frame rates.

Control surfaces

  • You can again control Logic using Apple remote.

  • You can now use Logic Remote to adjust Format controls in Alchemy.

  • Logic now connects reliably to Logic Remote in cases where your computer has two IP addresses on the same network (such as when it's connected to both Wi-Fi and Ethernet).

  • MIDI plug-ins are now accessible from control surfaces.

  • Automation mode switches for External MIDI tracks again work with control surfaces.

  • Detection of attached SSL Nucleus and Mackie Control MCU Pro control surfaces is more reliable.

  • Mackie Control control surfaces now update as expected when you select a channel outside the current bank in the Mixer.

  • Logic now responds smoothly to jog wheel input from Mackie Control control surfaces.

  • You can now use modifier keys on the Mackie C4 control surface in Logic.

  • Level metering shown on a connected SSL Nucleus control surface now matches metering displayed in the Logic Mixer.


  • VoiceOver now works as expected when Quick Nav is turned off in OS X 10.10 or later.

  • VoiceOver now recognizes the buttons to switch between Project, Media, and All Files view in the List area of the Main window.

  • When interacting with the Sample Rate setting in the LCD, VoiceOver now reports the name of the setting and its value.

  • Logic no longer becomes less responsive when VoiceOver is used to access Alchemy in Controls view.

  • When interacting with a group of Bus sends, Voiceover no longer incorrectly announces a non-existent Set button.

  • It's easier to make large adjustments of circular controls using VoiceOver.

  • You can now access these items using VoiceOver:

    • Buttons in the Main window

    • Buttons and insert slots on channel strips

    • The Preview Volume slider in the Loop Browser

    • The Input Format selector on Output channels

    • The Piano Keyboard in the Piano Roll

    • Channel strip names in the Mixer

    • The Add (+) button to add new category folders in the Plug-in Manager

    • There are also several improvements to VoiceOver accessibility in the Piano Roll.

Global tracks

  • You can now disengage the Arrangement Marker track so Arrangement markers can be edited without affecting the Tracks area content.

  • A single click in the Global Tempo track now creates a new tempo point.

  • You can now trim a marker to the current cursor position by Command-clicking in the Marker track.

  • Tempo values pasted into the LCD now take effect as expected.

  • The LCD now reliably displays Global Key signatures for all major keys.

  • When you right-click or Control-click a marker and choose Rename Marker, Logic now renames it.

  • The Split by Playhead command now works on Arrangement Markers when you select other types of objects.

  • When you adjust the height of Global tracks, the cursor now changes as you grab the splitter at the bottom of the Global Track header. This indicates that dragging resizes all Global Tracks.

  • The Marker List now immediately updates when you create a Marker is created, and then remove it with Undo.

  • It is again possible to copy Arrangement Markers in songs that are shorter than 16 bars.

  • The position of SMPTE locked regions no longer shifts slightly when you adjust a tempo curve in the Global Tempo track.

  • Text now wraps as expected on markers when the marker height is large enough to display more than one line of text.

Import and export

  • Audio from Final Cut Pro XML projects that contain compound clips now reliably plays in sync.

  • Audio from synchronized clips in Final Cut Pro XML projects now reliably plays in sync.

  • Audio from Final Cut Pro XML projects is no longer truncated in Logic Pro.

  • Projects converted from Logic 7 no longer appear too long when opened in Logic Pro.

  • The correct Smart Controls layout is now imported when you import a track from another project.


  • The value for the setting that delays the MIDI Clock transmission is now shown in milliseconds rather than ticks.

General improvements

  • Percussive sounding Apple Loops no longer play back with phasing artifacts.

  • MIDI (green) Apple Loops again load reliably when you drag them into a project.

  • The Waveform display is now correct for Apple Loops that have Follow Tempo disabled and a Speed setting other than 1x.

  • When you drag a region or Apple Loop in the Tracks area of a project that starts at a position other than 1 1 1 1, the Help tag now shows the correct time position if the secondary ruler is visible.

  • When you set Apple Loops as a Favorite, the selection no longer jumps to the top of the list.

  • Hovering the pointer over a "channel strip send" now displays a tool tip showing the name of the send destination.

  • You can now use the Scissors tool to simultaneously divide selected audio regions, take folders, MIDI regions, and folders.

  • You can now use Undo after renaming a region in the Audio Bin.

  • You can now zoom by dragging down from the Bar Ruler while holding the Option key even when Option is pressed before clicking the mouse.

  • For projects where the musical grid is disabled, the Bounce dialog now displays the section to be bounced by time instead of bars and beats.

  • Recording to the master track of a Summing Stack now records to all included audio tracks that are set to discrete inputs.

  • If you select the same tool from the Tool Box twice in succession, the cursor now continues to show the correct tool.

  • Logic no longer inadvertently zooms when you copy regions using a Magic Mouse.

  • MIDI events are no longer displayed in the wrong region when MIDI regions overlap with one another and No Overlap mode is active.

  • You can now Option-drag the left edge of a MIDI region to stretch or compress content in the same way as option-dragging the right edge.

  • The key command "Toggle Zoom to fit Selection or All Contents" no longer includes content on hidden tracks when calculating the area to display.

  • Menu commands to edit track automation now affect all selected tracks.

  • The key command "Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Bar" again works as expected.

  • Includes several fixes for issues that caused the wrong cursor to display.

  • The Marquee now draws properly over grouped tracks when you drag the Marquee tool over one track in the group.

  • When you save an Alternative with a project that contains a movie, it no longer unexpectedly copies the movie when the Copy movie file to project setting isn't enabled.

  • Region parameters are now properly locked for regions on frozen tracks.

  • You can no longer activate the Compare button in the Smart Controls window before any changes have been made to the Smart Controls settings.

  • The Replace or Double Drum Track function now places MIDI notes at their correct positions in regions whose Anchors aren't at the region start.

  • The "Toggle Zoom to fit selection" key command again works when you select a group of notes in the Piano Roll and the region containing them isn't selected.

  • The "Open/Close Track Stack" command now works for multiple selected tracks in the Track Header.

  • Smart Controls mappings are now more reliably maintained when switching layouts.

  • Locators are now maintained as expected when you switch between Logic and other applications while Auto Set Locators is enabled.

  • The "Set All Tracks to Automation Touch" command no longer creates unexpected classic MIDI tracks.

  • The "Capture Recording" key command now creates a a single track as expected for Kontakt instruments.

  • You can now to change the length of a region whose right edge overlaps a looped region by more than the length of the loop.

  • VCA tracks in the Track header are no longer inadvertently protected when you swipe over the Track Protect buttons of other tracks.

  • Key Signature display is now available in the Custom LCD setup.

  • You can now reopen an Event Float window after closing it on OS X El Capitan.

  • When you double-click the MIDI out display in the LCD, it now sends note-offs to all software instrument tracks.

  • The Articulation State in the Smart Control Orchestral layout is now saved as part of a patch.

  • Dividing a SMPTE locked region no longer results in one of the resulting regions slightly shifting position.

  • If the Playhead is currently within the area covered by a region, opening a Piano Roll for the region enables Catch Playhead Position.

  • You can now use email addresses containing a plus symbol (+) with Gobbler sharing.

  • Vertically Auto Zoomed tracks that contain regions with MIDI Draw displayed now retain their height when you recall a Screenset.

  • Editing regions that originated from a flattened Take folder and are part of a phase-locked group no longer results in "Inconsistent Start Position" messages.

  • Smart Controls parameter value labels now update when the parameter is adjusted from an external controller.

  • When you delete a MIDI environment object that's set as "Instrument without MIDI thru function," this no longer causes newly created objects to be assigned as "Instrument without MIDI thru function."

  • The start of a cycle zone is no longer unexpectedly early in projects that start before bar 1.

  • The Zoom tool now zooms into the selected area as expected.

  • The "Zoom to Fit" key command now vertically centers content on the screen (instead of top-aligning it).

  • Single-clicking a region on a frozen track no longer triggers an unnecessary alert message with the option to unfreeze the track.

  • Logic no longer refreezes frozen tracks when you edit another unfrozen track and choose Undo.

  • When you right-click the Channel Strip Inspector and choose Assign Channel Strip Color from the menu, it now brings up the color palette as expected.

  • When an Autopunch zone is set inside a larger Cycle zone, Logic no longer visually displays that it's still recording when the Playhead moves beyond the Autopunch boundary.

  • Audio regions are now numbered starting at 1 in projects derived from Templates that are saved from previous projects where all previous audio recordings were removed from the Audio Bin.

  • The New field in the Go to Position window correctly has the previously defined position again (rather than the current position).

  • When you grab a region, the Tooltip again shows the region length.

  • Smart Controls mappings are now preserved when you replace a channel from the Inspector setting menu, and then perform an Undo.

  • Entering values of 0 or less in the Region Gain field now works correctly in regions where commas are used as decimal separators.

  • Logic now more easily scrolls when you drag regions to tracks that aren't currently in the visible area.

  • Merging overlapping MIDI regions in a track no longer results in unexpected extra events in the resulting region.

  • An Undo step is now reliably created when you trigger the Create Tracks for Selected Channel Strips command.

  • Command-Option clicking the Ruler to toggle Auto Punch now works in all editors that display the Ruler.

  • Program change events that are at the same position as Note events are now reliably sent first to external MIDI instruments in projects where the project start isn't 1 1 1 1.

  • The paper color option in the Font selection window for the Notepad now works as expected.

  • Joining two non-contiguous MIDI regions that each contain MIDI CC data no longer creates unexpected extra MIDI CC events.

  • When you click the cycle zone in the bar ruler to enable or disable cycle, it no longer alters the end point of the project.

  • The glyph for locked regions is now always visible at any zoom level.

  • Metronome (Klopfgeist) sound settings are now saved with a project.

  • The Fade tool no longer unexpectedly appears when you hover over the controls of a Take folder.

  • MIDI regions created using Capture as Recording are now selected after the key command is used.

  • Dividing audio regions at high zoom levels no longer creates unexpected gaps between the resulting regions.

  • All regions in a group are now selected after recording in Replace mode.

  • Aliases of audio regions are now reliably placed in the correct position.

  • When the Show Hidden Tracks button is active, all editing functions now work as expected on tracks where the H button is active.

  • The cursor now correctly displays a pointer when you select items from a floating part box and another tool is assigned.

Updated Plug-ins

  • The default star rating for Alchemy presets now shows as three light gray stars.

  • Selecting a filer type in Alchemy now automatically enables the filter.

  • Alchemy now displays a warning message if you load a preset with samples that Logic can't locate.

  • The Alchemy Waveshaper now affects output before you start playback.

  • Alchemy now reliably loads samples when a preset has been altered in a project but the preset hasn't been saved yet.

  • Loop crossfades from zones in EXS instruments now are reliably maintained when you import them into Alchemy.

  • In Alchemy, the Num-Osc control in Additive synthesis mode has been renamed to Partials to more accurately represent its function.

  • Alchemy loop cross fades now work properly when the start Start or End markers for the loop are at the Sample Start or Sample End markers.

  • The label on knob 3 of Filter 2 in Alchemy now reliably shows the title of the currently selected source filter.

  • Text rendering on Retina displays is improved in Alchemy.

  • In Controls view, stereo linked controls in plug-in windows now visibly update correctly when you adjust them.

  • In the Plug-ins window, typing a value for an Alchemy parameter in Controls view and in Smart Controls now properly sets the parameter to your typed-in value.

  • When you import an Apple Loop into an Alchemy source, settings are automatically configured so the loop can be triggered from any key and play at the current project tempo.

  • You can now move the Alchemy plug-in window even after it's closed and reopened.

  • The Alchemy "Priority = Oldest" voice mode now works as expected.

  • Sample previews in Alchemy’s import browser no longer shift in pitch after a second of playback when the project sample rate is set to 96 kHz.

  • When you open a saved project, Alchemy’s browser now opens in the same area as it was when the project was last saved.

  • When you enable both Morph mode and Additive Complex mode, Alchemy now shows the correct settings for Additive Complex if a sample is imported to a second Source.

  • The Analyzed Formant controls in Alchemy no longer appear active when you haven't enabled Analyzed.

  • When you add new tags to Alchemy, typing in the text field no longer activates key commands assigned to the typed characters.

  • The Polyphony Modulator in Alchemy now works correctly.

  • Selecting MIDI in the Keymap Editor in Alchemy now works correctly when you switch from one group to another.

  • When you click the previous or next arrow in an Alchemy Source selector, it now enables the Source if it was disabled.

  • When you import samples, Alchemy no longer shows folders that don't contain supported audio file types.

  • When you reopen closed Alchemy windows, they now reopen to the correct size on dual display systems where the main display is smaller than the secondary display.

  • The Vintage B3 Organ now plays in tune when you switch from stereo to mono while the Software Instrument Pitch project setting is set to a value other than 0.0 cent (440 Hz).

  • You can again drag IR files into the Space Designer to load them there.

  • Reverse works again in Space Designer.

  • When you move the Output Mix fader from Amp to Direct Box, Bass Amp Designer no longer outputs clicking sounds.

  • Logic no longer initializes parameters for the Oscillator when you select the Show in Finder option from the Oscillator sample selection menu in Ultrabeat.

  • Automating the cutoff filter to 100% in Autofilter no longer causes intermittent audio dropouts.

  • Moving your pointer over the left side of the Surround Multimeter plug-in window no longer causes it to inadvertently switch between Analyzer and Goniometer mode.

  • The key commands for Previous and Next setting now work with MIDI plug-ins.

  • You can again define a User Scale in the Transposer MIDI plug-in.

  • Patches created in Logic Pro that use the External Instrument plug-in now open correctly in MainStage.

  • Alchemy windows now retain their size after closing and reopening them.

Logic Pro 10.2

Introduction of Alchemy

Alchemy is a new sample manipulation synthesizer that includes the following:

  • Next generation synthesizer plug-in with multiple sound generators including; additive, spectral, formant, granular, sampler, and virtual analog

  • Over 3,000 presets for all types of electronic music including electronic dance, hip hop, rock, and sound for picture

  • Integrated keyword preset browser for finding the right sounds quickly

  • Performance controls like the Transform Pad make it easy to explore and reshape sounds

  • Combine up to four synth modules to create complex multi-layered sounds

  • Virtual analog oscillators produce authentic recreations of iconic synth sounds

  • Wide selection of modeled analog and special effect filters for producing sounds with vintage character and tonal complexity

  • Create animated, dynamic instruments using over 100 modulation sources that include flexible LFOs, AHDSR and MSEG envelopes, and step sequencers

  • Manipulate and combine samples in new ways using unique collection of morphing and resynthesis tools

  • Import EXS24 instruments or create your own using a robust set of sampler features

  • Apply independent arpeggiators to each of the four sound sources to transform simple chords into elaborate performances

  • Integrated effects rack with reverb, modulation, delay, compression, and a range of distortion effects

More new features

  • Share directly to Apple Music Connect (requires Apple Music Connect account)

  • Share and backup files to Gobbler (requires Gobbler third-party subscription)

  • Adds support for Force Touch trackpad

  • Create custom track icons with your own image files

  • 1,000 new Apple Loops from a variety of popular instruments and genres including EDM, Hip Hop, Indie, Disco, Funk, and Blues

  • There are now independent settings for the handling overlapping MIDI recordings depending on whether Cycle is on or off

  • It's now possible to set Replace mode for audio recordings independently depending on whether Cycle is on or off

  • It's now possible to create new tracks with the same channel strip instead of creating a Take folder when recording audio in cycle mode

  • Expanded MIDI clock options improve sync compatibility with external MIDI devices

  • The new As Time Quantize option in the Piano Roll Snap menu sets the snap value to follow the Inspector quantize setting

  • Audio regions can now be nondestructively reversed using either a check box in the Region Inspector, or a key command

  • There are now Global Key Commands to set the Nudge value to various note values

  • There is now a key command to toggle the Clear/Recall Solo button

  • The Audio Editor now shows fades applied to flexed regions

  • The new General > Editing preference Piano Roll: Region Border Trimming controls whether the borders of a region can be edited within the Piano Roll editor

  • There are now commands in the Global Tracks Marker Set menu to convert the currently selected Marker Set to Arrangement Markers, or to convert Arrangement Markers to conventional Markers

  • There is a new key command Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle Mode

  • Open the sound library from the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click or control-click a cell in Drum Machine Designer

Performance improvements

  • Quantizing large audio files is much faster

  • Logic’s performance when Undo is performed is improved

  • Logic no longer sometimes quits unexpectedly under these circumstances:

    • Sharing content to iTunes 12.2

    • Reindexing all loops in the Loop Browser

    • Adjusting values in the Region Inspector

    • Importing MIDI files that contain unknown text encoding

    • Quitting while a configuration panel is open

    • Closing a project while the Customize Control Bar and Display dialog is open

    • When creating more than 64 Aux channel strips

    • Quitting if a V-Control control surface is installed

    • Deleting all automation on a track while playing

    • Dragging long strings of text in the Score editor

  • Logic no longer becomes unresponsive under these circumstances:

    • When opening a song if a modal dialog window is already open

    • When the trim field is used to adjust Smart Controls automation

    • If a connected control surface is disconnected while Logic is hidden

    • Sometimes when disabling Phase-locked audio for a group

    • Sometimes if the number of available MIDI ports increases while Logic is open

    • Sometimes when quitting

Main window

  • When cutting multiple regions simultaneously, the location of the edit window is now consistently the same for all affected regions.

  • When the left corner of a flex quantized audio region is dragged to the left, the newly revealed portion of the region is now immediately quantized as expected.

  • Option-dragging to copy a region now places the copy at the correct position in projects that have a start position earlier than 1 1 1 1.

  • It's now possible to vertically swipe to affect multiple instances of the Record, Input, Mute and Solo buttons in the track header.

  • Locked Markers now properly display the lock glyph.

  • Changing the start position of region slaved to a Groove master track no longer causes unexpected timing changes.

  • The Repeat Section command no longer truncates audio loops at the left locator.

  • The Repeat Section function now works as expected when applied to the Looping section of a Looped region.

  • When in Flex mode, the user interface now updates properly when the Marquee tool is used to define areas to shift in time.

  • On computers with smaller screens, the Track inspector no longer overlaps the Channel Strip inspector when a new project is created or when a new Main window is opened in an existing project.

  • Locking a track now prevents Flex edits.

  • Region Gain values are now retained when regions are packed into a Take folder.

  • Region Gain now applies as expected to Take regions within collapsed Take folders on phase-locked audio tracks.

  • Option-clicking on parameters in the Region Inspector again reliably sets them to their neutral values.

  • All Region parameters from the MIDI Thru inspector are now applied correctly when creating an empty MIDI region.

  • When a new MIDI recording is merged with an existing region, the notes contained in the merged region are no longer selected after recording.

  • It's now possible to delete a single MIDI take from within a Take folder.

  • When recording MIDI to an existing region with No Overlap mode enabled, the new MIDI recording is now merged with the existing region.

  • It's now possible to close the Track Header configuration pane by clicking outside the borders of the window, or by toggling it with the Configure Track Header key command.

  • Double-clicking the Pan control in the Track header and typing a value no longer results in an incorrect random setting.

  • When a Track header is reduced in height to one line, the track name is now displayed instead of the Track/Region automation button.

  • Naming tracks now works reliably when the Additional Name Column is disabled in the Track List.

  • The Repeat Section function now extends the Project End point when necessary to accommodate the additional regions.

  • Performing Undo after using the Export Active Comp to New Track now works as expected.

  • Dividing a looped region with the Marquee tool no longer creates an extra region to the left of the edit position.

  • Dragging a MIDI region over another with No Overlap Mode enabled no longer causes MIDI notes outside the overlapping area to be deleted.

  • Marquee tool transient detection now places the Marquee borders at the correct position on regions where the Anchor has been adjusted to the right of the region start.

  • It's now possible to set the icon for all selected tracks simultaneously.


  • It's now easier to grab the Playhead in the Piano Roll editor.

  • The Piano Roll quantize value is now saved with the project.

  • Notes that start within ¼ note before the beginning of a region no longer snap unexpectedly to the region start when moved in the Piano Roll.

  • The playhead is now reliably placed at the clicked position in the Piano Roll timeline.

  • Defining a Brush pattern with the Brush selected as the secondary tool no longer also sets the primary tool to the Brush.

  • The visible location in the Piano Roll no longer jumps to the playhead when clicking a note if Catch is enabled and MIDI Draw is displaying MIDI Sustain events.

  • Performing Undo after dragging a note in the Piano Roll no longer causes Tuning in the Project settings to revert to the default value.

  • Changing or refreshing a Screen Set no longer causes Piano Roll inspector controls to revert to their default values.

  • Clicking on a region no longer sometimes causes it to move unexpectedly when the Playhead is off screen and the Piano Roll is open.

  • The Quantize button in the Piano Roll editor no longer quantizes unselected notes when the Q-range is set to a value other than zero.

  • The Piano Roll quantization mode now matches the mode selected in the Region Inspector.

  • Key labels for Mapped Instruments now appear on the keyboard in the Piano Roll editor.

  • When multiple regions on different tracks are selected, notes added in the Piano Roll editor with the Pencil tool are placed in the region on the currently selected track, rather than the first track.

  • It's now possible to use the Pencil or Brush tool to insert notes into an empty region when Collapse Mode is enabled in the Piano Roll.

  • The contextual menu command Create Note now creates a note at the clicked position in the Piano Roll while Collapse Mode is enabled.

  • The Velocity tool once again causes the Piano Roll editor to scroll when click-dragged over the right edge of the window.

  • It's once again possible to access the Velocity tool in the Piano Roll using Control+Command as modifier keys.

  • Time Stretch Handles in the Piano Roll editor now remain visible when switching to another editor and then back.

  • Time Handles now switch off immediately when the notes are deselected in the Piano Roll.

  • If the Time Handles option is enabled, then Nudge commands applied in the Piano Roll shifts the Time Handle selection along with the selected notes.

  • Using the Zoom tool to rubber-band a selection of notes in the Piano Roll no longer affects the Time Handles selection.

  • The Time Handle selection now includes non-note MIDI events when used to compress or stretch in the Piano Roll.

  • Option-dragging the Playhead to zoom horizontally in the Piano Roll now works as expected when the Playhead is inside a region.

  • The vertical positioning line is again displayed at the start of notes dragged in the Piano Roll.

  • The cursor now reliably switches to the Length Change tool when hovered over the left or right edge of a note in the Piano Roll editor.

  • Using the Brush tool to repeat existing sections now includes non-note MIDI events from the source.

  • Notes entered while the Brush tool is in pitch lock mode are no longer unexpectedly transposed when disabling the lock mode.

  • Logic no longer inserts unintended notes when toggling velocity or locked pitch mode with the Shift key while using the Brush tool.

  • The Velocity slider in the Piano Roll Inspector now sets the velocity for notes added by the Brush tool.

  • The Include Non-Note MIDI Events function in the Piano Roll now works when using the arrow keys to navigate from note to note.

  • The key command Select Same Channel in the Piano Roll no longer also selects all regions of the same track when used on an event assigned to MIDI channel 1.

  • The Shift key again works to toggle between horizontal and vertical dragging in the Piano Roll when the Limit Dragging to One Direction in Piano Roll and Score preference is enabled.

  • The Play Region Solo button in the Piano Roll editor now works when the Secondary Ruler is visible.

  • The Select Next Region/Event or Move Marquee End (or Marquee Point) to Next Transient and Select Previous Region/Event or Move Marquee End (or Marquee Point) to Previous Transient key commands again work as expected in the Piano Roll editor.

  • Selecting a large number of notes in the Piano Roll no longer sometimes causes unexpected noise.

  • Changing screensets no longer causes the quantize value in the Piano Roll to be set to 1/16th note.

  • It's again possible to edit the position of events in the Event List when the View > Event Position and Length as Time option is enabled.

  • It's again possible to set the Channel value for multiple events to MIDI channel 1 by dragging the value of one selected event while pressing Option and Shift in the Event List.

  • The Select Similar Events command in the Event List no longer selects both Relative and Absolute automation events, when only one type is selected to start with.

  • It's again possible to continue editing multiple selected events in the Event list when one or more events has reached its minimum or maximum possible value by pressing Option while dragging the value of one event.

  • Logic no longer creates interpolated events between two controller events manually inserted in the Event List editor.

  • The Audio File Editor timeline now shows labels for beats in Bars/Beats view mode.

  • The hot spots around Flex Pitch notes in the Audio Track editor now behave more reliably.

  • The Pitch slider in the Audio Track editor no longer sometimes stops working after switching from one region to another.

  • When multiple regions are visible in the track editor with Flex Pitch enabled, choosing Select All no longer highlights notes outside the currently selected region.

  • It's no longer necessary to scroll in the Audio Track editor to show the note bar display for flex-pitched regions.

  • The Audio Track Editor Inspector now accurately shows the current region Flex Pitch settings when switching between regions.

  • The contents of a recently recorded region now reliably continue to be shown when switching between linear and page view in the Score editor.

  • Sustain Pedal Off symbols now reliably display in the Score when the corresponding CC64 message has been moved to the end of the region.

  • The strum up and strum down symbols are now correctly inserted into tablature with the Bravura font.

  • Muted and diamond head note stems in tablature are no longer sometimes drawn with stems that span an entire page.

  • Whole bar rests now reliably display at their correct positions in regions that follow a time signature change.

  • The Sustain Pedal symbol highlighted in the Score Part Box now alternates between On and Off as Pedal events are inserted into the score.

  • MIDI Draw in the Score editor now reliably shows names for all available parameters.

  • Repeating the key command for Part Box: ¼ Note, Part Box ⅛ Note, etc, now cycles through the related dotted and triplet note values.

  • Note names are now centered properly inside note heads with non-serif fonts.

  • The editor now correctly switches back to the Drummer editor when Undo is used after converting a MIDI region to a Drummer region.

  • The Drummer editor now updates correctly when a Drummer region is moved from one Drummer track to another.

  • It's now possible to define a MIDI pitch for applicable input fields in the Transform Window using live MIDI input.

  • The key command Sustain Inserted Note now works when the Step Input window is closed.

  • It's no longer possible to set the Step Input keyboard to octave ranges below the allowed MIDI minimum of C-2 with the Octave -1 key command.

  • Environment objects can now be freely positioned within the window.


  • The Reset Channel Strip command now works on all selected channel strips in the Mixer.

  • The Mixer now shows the record-ready status of a selected audio track.

  • Channel strips can be added to newly created VCAs by Option-clicking the channel strip VCA slot.

  • Clicking on a channel strip meter now clears the peak hold display on all channels when the Display > Mixer > Peak Hold Time preference is set to Infinite.

  • Double-clicking an External MIDI volume fader in the Logic Mixer now sets its value to 90, as expected.

  • Option-clicking on the numerical volume display in the Mixer now sets it to 0dB.

  • In the Mixer, double-clicking on the output slot of a channel strip assigned to a mono output now correctly selects the corresponding mono output channel strip.


  • It's now easier to grab and drag up an automation line defined by two points at the bottom the automation lane.

  • New automation lanes are no longer set to Volume if volume automation is already visible for the track.

  • Region-based automation no longer is unexpectedly moved or deleted when the left corner of a region is adjusted.

  • Region-based automation is now correctly retained for all regions when joining regions that were originally divided from one continuous region.

  • This update improves the handling of region-based automation in cases where the start of the region is moved to the right of the first automation point.

  • Automation Write mode with region-based automation no longer creates unexpected automation ramps when playback is started in the middle of a region.

  • Automation Write mode with region-based automation now reliably brings the last touched parameter to the front when different parameters are written in the same pass.

  • Automation nodes added to an automation lane that has been switched off no longer playback until the lane is switched back on.

  • Unexpected Track automation ramps are no longer created when converting track-based automation to region-based automation when there are not regions that encompass the entire track.

  • Volume automation now properly maintains the last written value after writing in Latch and Write mode.

  • Region-based automation is now exported or moved as expected when using the Export or Move the Active Comp commands.

  • Automation nodes created at the right side of a Marquee selection are now reliably placed at the correct position.

  • The command to set automation points at the borders of overlapping regions now places the points for the start of the right-most region correctly when the anchor point has been offset in the left-hand region.

  • Automation lanes labeled Display Off are no longer sometimes created after converting track-based automation to region-based automation or vice versa.

  • Automation on External Instrument tracks can now be converted between region-based automation to track-based automation.

  • Region-based automation now visually updates when being trimmed using Track Header control in projects that start before bar 0.

  • Moving track-based automation with regions no longer sometimes results in unexpected automation ramps in projects that start before bar 1.

  • Logic no longer sometimes creates extra unexpected automation points after joining two overlapping regions that both contain region-based automation.

  • Changing direction while adding track-based automation with the Pencil tool no longer creates unexpected spikes in the automation.

  • Imported tracks now include the volume and pan level, even when they contain no automation.

  • Relative automation now works correctly in songs where the MIDI > General > Control Change 7/10 controls Volume/Pan of channel strip objects project setting is enabled.

  • The Automation View no longer incorrectly switches to display Read mode when a second automation point is added while in Touch mode.

  • Existing automation is no longer set to an External MIDI Instrument when new automation is being written.

  • If a track is set to region-based automation mode, Logic no longer switches to writing track-based automation when the automation view is turned off.

  • If a long region completely overlaps a shorter region, Logic now continues to write region-based automation to the longer region after the playhead passes the right edge of the short region.

  • The position of points for Mute automation off/on is now displayed consistently whether the MIDI > General > Control Change 7/10 controls Volume/Pan of channel strip objects project setting is enabled or not.

  • In Touch mode, automation no longer briefly jumps unexpectedly at the beginning of the ramp time when the fader is released.

  • Midi Draw now shows the correct scale for Pitch bend and Pan in the Score and Piano Roll editors.

  • Smart Controls now reliably update when automation for their corresponding parameters is written in Touch mode.


  • It no longer requires two clicks on another application to bring it in front of a Logic plug-in window.

  • When resizing the Drum Machine Designer plug-in window, there is now a percentage display of the current size in the upper right corner of the window.

  • The new positions of kit piece cells that have been rearranged in the Drum Machine Designer plug-in are retained when the project is saved and then reopened.

  • The BPM Counter now correctly displays the tempo when in Controls View.

  • It's no longer necessary to press Return or Enter to confirm the name of a new folder created in the Plug-in Manager.

  • Plug-in Manager categories that include a “/“ in their name no longer show up multiple times when clicking on a channel strip plug-in insert slot.

  • Logic track names and numbers now display as expected in the Softube Console 1 plug-in.

  • Logic no longer shows a “Too many files open” error when opening Omnisphere patches that contain more than 256 samples.

  • The Pitch parameter for the Apple AUPitch plug-in can again be automated when running Logic in German.

Sharing and export

  • Project XML files exported from Logic to Final Cut Pro now reliably maintain the correct sample rate.

  • When importing Final Cut Pro Project XML, Logic now places audio clips that lack time position information in the Audio Bin.


  • The Filter buttons in the Event list are now accessible with VoiceOver.

  • The Velocity slider in the Piano Roll Inspector is now accessible with VoiceOver.

  • The volume slider in the Track Header is now accessible via VoiceOver.

  • Volume faders and bus send knobs in the Mixer are now accessible via VoiceOver.


  • Logic no longer sends MIDI Clock when stopped, improving sync with MIDI hardware devices.

  • MIDI Clock Song Position Pointer now works as expected in Cycle mode.

  • MIDI Clock transmission now behaves as expected when Cycle is enabled and the Cycle Pre-Processing Preference is set to Off.

  • Logic no longer sends MIDI Clock data when the playhead is dragged while Logic is stopped.

  • The Frame Rate warning Logic shows when 30 fps (non-drop) is selected now offers a “Do not show again” option.

  • Double-clicking the Time display in the Transport and typing in a SMPTE position now takes the playhead to the correct position in projects where a SMPTE Offset has been set.

  • The Plays at SMPTE field in the Synchronization > General project settings window now displays the correct time when the Display Time setting is set to SMPTE/EBU with Subframes.

  • Importing a movie with embedded audio no longer unexpectedly SMPTE locks existing audio regions in the project.

Control surfaces

  • Touch OSC can now access Aux channel strips that are not assigned to tracks.

  • Channel strips that are not assigned to tracks are no longer labeled with track numbers on connected control surfaces.

  • The Spot Erase button now works on the Mackie C4 control surface.

  • Mackie Control control surfaces are now reliably recognized when Logic launches.

  • Turning the Logic Control jog wheel to the right no longer sometimes causes the playhead to jump to the end to the project.

  • It's again possible to step through parameters using the left and right cursor keys on Emagic Logic Control hardware.

  • Select All and delete now work as expected in the Control Surfaces Setup window.

  • The control surface Flip Group parameter now works with control surfaces not directly supported by Logic.

Additional updates

  • This update includes various fixes for issues related to patches and content.

  • A Multitimbral instrument saved as a Track Stack patch no longer loads as separate instruments when the patch is recalled.

  • The "grace period" for MIDI notes played before the start of a project is again always a quarter note, regardless of the Cycle and Cycle Pre-Processing settings.

  • Projects saved to iCloud Drive now show up in Logic’s recent files list.

  • Sliders in the preferences window can now be incrementally adjusted with the mouse wheel or touch pad.

  • The Normalize Region Parameters key command now properly changes the MIDI channel of events within regions on Software Instrument tracks.

  • The New Track with Duplicate Settings menu command and key command now work with Drummer tracks.

  • Canceling Flex analysis now works consistently.

  • Project templates can now be set to tempos that include decimals.

  • Software Instrument loops created in versions prior to Logic 10.1 now play back properly.

  • New files dragged into the Project Audio window are now placed at the bottom of the list.

  • There is now a Cancel button in the dialog that appears when notes cross the point at which a MIDI region is divided.

  • Living Groove connection now works as expected with quantized audio regions.

  • The Physical Input object in the environment now displays each port’s device name, as well as the port number.

  • Resizing Global tracks no longer sometimes causes graphics issues when more than one Global track is visible.

  • The division value 1/192 is again available in the LCD.

  • The key commands Increase/Decrease Last Clicked Parameter by 1 now work in the local Inspectors for the Piano Roll, Score editors, Track Header channel strips and Mixer Channel Strips.

  • There is now a contextual menu and key command for deleting all region-based automation for all selected region or regions.

  • It's now possible to delete the first Tempo Set in cases where more than one Tempo Set exists.

  • Selected tempo events in the Tempo track can now be reliably deselected by clicking anywhere in the background of the Tempo track.

  • It's now possible to copy/paste tempo events from the Tempo List to a new Tempo Set in the Tempo track.

  • Clicking on a tempo event in the Tempo track no longer selects the previous event when that event is the same value.

  • Tempo events created by clicking the + button in the Tempo List now immediately appear in the Tempo track.

  • Erasing the first Beat Mapping event in a project no longer causes the SMPTE position of the first Tempo event to shift when the project SMPTE format is not 25 fps.

  • Marker text can now wrap to the next line if the Marker track is tall enough to accommodate more than one line of text.

  • Markers displayed in the Timeline now update as expected when a new Marker Set is chosen.

  • After a Marker List editor has been closed, it no longer reappears when a screenset is recalled, or a song saved after closing it's reopened.

  • The first point in the Tempo track now displays properly.

  • It's again possible to learn MIDI commands when the MIDI port is set to All.

  • The Set Locators and Goto Position dialogs now allow the position to be entered in time code format, as well as bars and beats.

  • The Musical Typing window no longer opens when a new project with a Software Instrument track is created and the option to Open Library is disabled.

  • MIDI events no longer sometimes disappear when two SMPTE locked regions are glued together.

  • The Audio > Editing > Crossfade Curve preference for Merge and Take Comping now correctly affects crossfades created when comping takes.

  • The Repeat Section command no longer causes the Playhead to change position.

  • The Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle key command again works as expected.

  • Logic projects again reliably display Quick Look previews.

  • When the cursor is in an Inspector, pressing Option no longer incorrectly changes the cursor to the Zoom tool.

  • Key commands to control the Transport now work when the Time & Pitch Machine window has focus after processing some audio.

  • Moving an Arrangement marker no longer sometimes causes protected text markers to be deleted.

  • If Cycle is enabled, Logic ignores selected regions and use only its range to determine which portion of a project to include when exporting audio to a movie.

  • The MIDI In display on Mapped Instruments now updates to show the last played note.

  • Regions selection is no longer changed unexpectedly by changing to a different screenset, or reloading a song.

  • The Audio Crossfade Options for Merge key command now opens the correct preferences panel.

  • Performing Undo after importing tracks no longer unexpectedly changes the color of markers to the default color.

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