Use VoiceOver to navigate web pages using web spots on Mac
You can navigate web pages using auto web spots, which VoiceOver automatically creates when it opens a web page, based on the page’s design. Or you can create your own web spots to mark favourite content on a web page.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier. See Use the VoiceOver modifier.
Use auto web spots
As VoiceOver opens a web page, it groups items based on the design and creates an auto web spot on the first item in each group. VoiceOver briefly outlines the group with a large rectangle, which transitions into the VoiceOver cursor, focused on the first auto web spot in the first group. You can use commands (or the VoiceOver rotor) to navigate the web page using the auto web spots.
Jump to the next auto web spot: Press VO-Command-N.
Jump to the previous auto web spot: Press VO-Command-Shift-N.
Create and use your own web spots
You can mark one of the web spots you create as the sweet spot, so it appears first in the list of web spots in the VoiceOver rotor.
Create a web spot: Press VO-Command-}.
Delete a web spot you created: Press VO-Command-{.
Set a sweet spot: Press VO-Command-}-}.
Jump to the next web spot you created: Press VO-Command-].
Jump to the previous web spot you created: Press VO-Command-[.
If the design of a web page changes significantly and VoiceOver can’t locate a web spot that previously existed on the page, it creates a new one that closely matches the original one.