About Final Cut Pro for iPad
Final Cut Pro for iPad is a powerful app for shooting, editing and sharing video at home, in the studio or on the go.
Redesigned from the ground up for iPad, Final Cut Pro puts a pro video studio at your fingertips.
Features and requirements
Find out about Final Cut Pro for iPad features, system requirements and more
Download Final Cut Pro for iPad from the App Store for iPad.
To start your free, full-featured one-month trial, download the app, then sign up for a monthly or yearly subscription using your Apple ID. Cancel your subscription at any time.
Final Cut Pro for iPad requires a subscription and is a separate purchase from Final Cut Pro for Mac.
Find out how to manage your subscription
User guide
Find out how to use Final Cut Pro for iPad
Demo project
You can download a demo project from within the app to explore all of the features of Final Cut Pro for iPad.
Access video tutorials from an Apple partner using a link in Final Cut Pro for iPad.
Project and timeline backups
Find out how to back up your projects and timelines in Final Cut Pro for iPad
Project storage
Final Cut Pro for iPad projects and media need to be stored locally on your iPad. Find out how to create a project and import media to start editing with Final Cut Pro for iPad
Supported media formats
Media formats supported in Final Cut Pro for iPad
Supported cameras
Cameras supported by Final Cut Pro for iPad
Feedback on Final Cut Pro for iPad
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Support for Final Cut Pro for iPad
Get help with Final Cut Pro for iPad
Final Cut Pro Support Community
Family Sharing
Final Cut Pro for iPad supports Family Sharing.
Final Cut Pro for iPad release date
23 May 2023
Learn more
Find out more about Final Cut Pro for iPad