Use your Apple keyboard in Windows with Boot Camp

If you've used Boot Camp to install Microsoft Windows on your Mac, the keyboard you use for macOS can also be used for Windows.

Mac equivalents of Windows keys

Windows logo: press Command (⌘).


Backspace or Delete: press Delete.


Enter or ⏎: press Return.


Alt (left): press Option (⌥).


Alt GR (right): press Option + Control.


Applications: this key isn't available on Apple keyboards.


Use the On-Screen Keyboard for other functions

If your Apple keyboard doesn't include the following keys, you can recreate them in Windows using the On-Screen Keyboard.

  • Pause/Break

  • Insert

  • Forward Delete

  • Home

  • End

  • Page Up

  • Page Down

  • Number Lock

  • Scroll Lock

Use the Snipping Tool to print screen

To recreate the Print Screen and Print Active Window function in Windows, use the Snipping Tool.

If your keyboard isn't working as expected in Windows

If your Apple keyboard is working as expected in macOS but not in Windows, try these solutions:

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