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Add a personal Apple ID as a contributor to a managed iTunes U course

You can use your personal Apple ID to create and edit managed iTunes U courses.

Before you begin

To use a personal Apple ID to create and edit managed iTunes U courses, your organisation has to:

  • Have an active Apple School Manager organisation.

  • Create and provide Managed Apple IDs to instructors.

  • Have an existing iTunes U public site.

Add a personal Apple ID as a contributor

Before you can add your personal Apple ID as a course contributor, follow these steps:

  1. Send a copy of each of your iTunes U courses to your Managed Apple ID.

  2. Sign in to Course Manager or iTunes U for iOS, and accept the invitation with the Managed Apple ID.

  3. Contact AppleCare to link your iTunes U public site with your Apple School Manager organisation.

  4. Invite (add) the personal Apple IDs of administrators or contributors in Public Site Manager to be course contributors on your managed iTunes U courses.

You can then invite your personal Apple ID as a course contributor. After your personal Apple ID has been added as a course contributor, you can use it to teach courses you've created using Apple School Manager.

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