Sidebars are the areas on the left and right side of the slide canvas that you can close and open as needed to access formatting controls, slide thumbnails, and more. To show the sidebar controls, do any of the following:
Show thumbnail images of each slide: Click
in the toolbar, then select Show Slide Navigator.
Show formatting controls for the selected text or object: Click
in the toolbar. For example, if text is selected, controls for changing the font, text size, or style appear in the Format
sidebar on the right.
Show formatting controls for the current slide: Click the slide canvas so nothing is selected, then click
in the toolbar.
Show controls for animating the selected object: Select any text or object on a slide, then click
Show controls for adding a transition to the current slide Click the slide canvas so nothing is selected, then click

To close the left sidebar, click then choose Hide Slide Navigator. To close the right sidebar, click