Find Apple Fitness+ workouts and meditations on iPhone
Apple Fitness+ in the Fitness app can help you find a workout, meditation, or routine that works for you. You can browse for individual workouts or meditations, start a program with multiple episodes, sort and filter workouts of a specific type, stack your favorite activities, get trainer tips, or choose a recommended workout based on your activity. Mindful Cooldown and Core workouts begin at 5 minutes, and all other workout types range up to 45 minutes, with new workouts added every week. Meditations can be 5, 10, or 20 minutes.
Browse workouts and meditations
Apple Fitness+ recommends workouts and meditations based on the things you typically do in the Fitness app as well as your favorite apps that work with the Health app. You can even get suggestions for new trainers, workouts, and meditations to help you round out your routine.

Open the Fitness app
on your iPhone, then tap Fitness+.
Do any of the following:
Browse by activity type: Swipe left or right to browse the activity types at the top of the screen.
Browse audio workouts: Scroll down to Time to Walk or Time to Run, tap Show All, then tap an audio workout to play.
Browse featured activities: Scroll down to a category such as New Workouts, New Meditations, Popular, or Simple and Quick.
Browse by trainer: Scroll down to Fitness+ Trainers, then tap Show All.
More of what you do: Browse workouts with trainers you often work out with, and workout types you typically do in other fitness apps that work with the Health app.
Try something new: Explore workouts similar to what you already do, but with different trainers and suggested workout types to balance your routine.
View My Library: Scroll down to My Library to view workouts, meditations, Stacks, and Custom Plans you’ve saved from the workout detail or workout summary screen. You can use My Library to keep a list of your favorite workouts, build a workout routine, or save workouts for playing offline.
When you’re browsing, activities you’ve done before have a checkmark on the thumbnail.
Use Stacks to combine activities
In Apple Fitness+, you can create Stacks, which are a series of workouts or meditations that you can complete back to back. Stacks let you create customized long workouts that incorporate your favorite activities. For example, you can create a stack with a few intense workouts followed by a cool-down meditation.

Open the Fitness app
on your iPhone, then tap Fitness+.
Tap an activity, then tap
at the top right.
Tap Add to Stack.
Tip: You can also touch and hold an activity, then tap Add to Stack.
When you’re finished adding activities to your stack, tap
in the top-right corner, then do any of the following:
Start your stack: Tap Let’s Go.
Add your stack to My Library: Tap
, then tap Add Stack to Library.
Give the stack a name, then tap Save.
Delete an activity from your stack: Swipe left on the activity, then tap Delete.
Reorder the activities in your stack: Drag
next to an activity up or down.
Clear your stack: Tap
, then tap Clear Stack.
After you complete an activity in your stack, tap Let’s Go to start the next activity, or tap Done to return to Apple Fitness+.
Get Trainer Tips
When you subscribe to Apple Fitness+, you get access to short videos that feature helpful hints for staying active and mindful, how-to demos for improving technique, and expert advice to keep you moving toward your goals.
Note: Trainer Tips aren’t available in all countries or regions.
Open the Fitness app
on your iPhone, then tap Fitness+.
Scroll down to Trainer Tips, then tap the tip to watch it.
You can also tap Show All to view all Trainer Tips.
Note: A new tip appears every week.
Sort and filter workouts and meditations
To make it easier to find the activity you’re looking for, you can sort and filter specific types of activities (like Rowing or Dance) by trainer, length of activity, music genre, and more.

Open the Fitness app
on your iPhone, then tap Fitness+.
Select an activity type, then do any of the following:
Sort activities: Tap Sort, then tap an option like Trainer or Time.
Filter activities: Tap Filter, then tap the filters you want to apply.
If you can’t select a filter, there are no activities that apply to that filter.
Try a workout or meditation program with multiple episodes
Open the Fitness app
on your iPhone, then tap Fitness+.
Do one of the following:
Workout programs: Scroll to Workout Programs, then tap Show All.
Meditation programs: Scroll to Meditation Programs, then tap Show All.
Tap a program.
Each program shows the workout types and number of episodes.
Do any of the following:
Preview the program: Tap Watch the Film to watch a video about the goals of the program and the types of workouts included. You can also read about the program to learn more.
Add episodes to My Library: Tap
next to the episode you want to add, or tap
at the bottom of the screen to add all episodes to My Library.
Start an episode from the program: Tap an episode in the list, then tap the button that begins the workout or meditation.
To help you keep your place after completing an episode, the next episode is automatically displayed under Next Workout, but you can choose any episode at any time.