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How to use Alex with VoiceOver and Text to Speech on your iPhone or iPad

With iOS 8 or later, you can use Alex as your English-speaking voice for VoiceOver, Speak Screen, and Speak Selection.

What you need

If you have one of these devices, you'll have the option to download and enable Alex.

  • iPad Pro

  • iPhone 6s

  • iPhone 6s Plus

  • iPhone 6

  • iPhone 6 Plus

  • iPhone 5s

  • iPad Air

  • iPad mini 2

Your device needs at least 870 MB of available free space to use Alex.

How to use Alex

You can choose Alex for VoiceOver and for Speak Screen and Speak Selection. Follow these steps.

Use Alex for VoiceOver

Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Speech.

If you're using English on your device, choose Default Dialect > English (U.S.) > Alex.

If your device is using another language by default, you'll need to add English as a Rotor Language. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Speech > Add New Language.

  2. Choose English (U.S).

  3. Tap the More Info button next to English (U.S.) from the Rotor Languages list.

  4. Select Alex.

Use Alex for Speak Screen and Speak Selection

Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Speech > Voices and choose Alex.

Wait for Alex to download and install

After you've selected Alex, if you're connected to Wi-Fi, the download will begin. When the download is complete, your device will install Alex. When that's finished, if your device is using English, Alex will start speaking.

Learn more

If you decide that you no longer want Alex installed, you can remove the voice by going to Settings > General > Accessibility > VoiceOver > Speech and swiping from right to left on the voice. Then tap the Delete button.

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