About macOS Server 5.4
After you upgrade to macOS High Sierra, you can update to macOS Server 5.4.
On a Mac running macOS High Sierra 10.13, update to macOS Server 5.4 from the Updates pane of the Mac App Store. To prevent the interruption of services, macOS Server updates aren't automatically installed, even if you've chosen to install other updates automatically from the Mac App Store.
During installation you might see the message "Server app replacement detected." This is a normal part of the update process. All Server settings and data are preserved during the update.
After installation is complete, open Server app to finish setting up your previously configured services.
General changes
Open Directory and Software Update Service are now hidden by default.
You can now migrate Server data from a volume with OS X 10.10.5 and Server 5.0.15 and later.
Caching Server, Time Machine Server, and File Sharing advanced options are now built directly into macOS.
Caching Server now supports a tiered architecture.
Xcode Server has been integrated into Xcode.
Support for APFS volumes.
Profile Manager
Profile Manager now supports new restrictions, payloads and management commands.
For iOS 11
New supervised-only restriction: Allow VPN creation.
New supervised-only Classroom restrictions to allow managed class behavior for unmanaged classes on supervised devices: Force unprompted joining of classes, Force unprompted App and Device Lock, Force unprompted Screen Observation and AirPlay.
New supervised-only AirPrint restrictions: Allow AirPrint, require trusted TLS certificates for AirPrint, Allow iBeacon discovery of AirPrint printers, Allow AirPrint credentials to be stored in keychain.
AirPrint payload now supports specifying a port and whether connection must be TLS.
VPN IKEv2 and Wi-Fi payloads now support specifying TLS min/max version.
New supervised-only payload: DNS Proxy.
Option to preserve data plan when erasing device.
Option to install apps and books on iOS devices only when they are USB tethered with Ethernet.
Software updates can now be installed on all supervised devices even while passcode locked.
Skip the Watch migration pane in Setup Assistant
For macOS High Sierra
New macOS payload: Extensions.
New macOS payload: Smart Card.
New macOS payload: System Migration.
VPN IKEv2 and Wi-Fi payloads now support specifying TLS min/max version.
New macOS MDM commands: User List, Unlock User, Delete User, Shutdown, and Restart.
New macOS MDM commands and status query for EFI password management.
Option to apply 802.1X configuration to any Ethernet interface.
Option to hide Siri setup screen on first log in.
New macOS FileVault key escrow mechanism.
For tvOS 11
New supervised-only restriction: Allow modifying device name.
Wi-Fi payload now supports specifying TLS min/max version.
Now supports Home Screen Layout payload.
New tvOS payload: AirPlay Incoming Security.