Get extensions to customize Safari on Mac
You can install Safari extensions to customize the way your browser works. For example, extensions can help you display social media and news buttons, block content on websites, give you access to features from other apps, and more.
Tip: The Mac App Store is the safest and easiest way to discover and install extensions. The extensions are reviewed by Apple, and they update automatically when Automatic Updates is selected in App Store settings.
Get Safari extensions
Go to the Safari app
on your Mac.
Choose Safari > Safari Extensions, then browse the available extensions.
When you find one you want, click the button that shows Get or the price, then click the button again to install or buy the extension.
Manage your extensions
Go to the Safari app
on your Mac.
Choose Safari > Settings, then click Extensions.
Do any of the following:
Turn an extension on or off: Select or deselect the extension’s checkbox.
Note: You get a warning if you turn on an extension that slows down browsing.
Use extensions on your other Apple devices: Select “Share across devices.”
Extensions you install on another Mac are available on your current Mac, where you’re signed in to the same Apple Account, have iCloud set up for Safari, have two-factor authentication turned on, and have “Share across devices” selected in Extensions settings on the other Mac.
If extensions you install on an iPhone or iPad are supported on Mac, those extensions are also available on your Mac where you’re signed in to the same Apple Account, have Safari turned on in iCloud settings, and have two-factor authentication turned on.
Change an extension’s settings: Select the extension, then select or deselect settings.
Remove an extension: Select the extension, then click Uninstall. Or, delete the app that contains the extension.
Restrict an extension
Go to the Safari app
on your Mac.
Click the extension’s button in the toolbar.
Choose how much access the extension has.
Extensions may access the content of the webpages you visit. Check which extensions you’ve installed and make sure you’re familiar with what they do. See Change Extensions settings.
Installing or uninstalling extensions, and turning them on or off, may take effect immediately or after you go to a new webpage or refresh the current webpage.
Important: The first time you open Safari, you get warnings about extensions that slow down browsing or are no longer supported:
Extensions that slow down browsing: The extensions are turned off. You can turn on the extensions in Safari settings.
Developer-signed .safariextz-style (legacy) extensions: The extensions don’t load and no longer appear in Safari settings. You can’t turn them on.