Change mouse or trackpad tracking, double-click and scrolling speed on Mac
To work more comfortably, change the way the pointer responds as you move the mouse or use the trackpad.
Note: To change Mouse or Trackpad settings, you must have a wireless mouse or trackpad connected to your Mac, or be using a Mac with a built-in trackpad.
Change tracking speed
Adjust how quickly the pointer moves when you drag the mouse or your finger on the trackpad.
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Mouseor Trackpad
in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)
Click Point & Click, then drag the “Tracking speed” slider.
Tip: As you adjust the slider, try moving the pointer to see the effect of your changes.
By default, the pointer moves more quickly for fast mouse movements and more precisely for slow mouse movements. To turn this option off in Mouse settings, click Advanced, then turn “Pointer acceleration” off.
Change double-click and scrolling speed
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Accessibilityin the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)
Click Pointer Control, then do any of the following:
Adjust how fast you must click for your Mac to recognise a double-click: Drag the slider next to “Double-click speed”.
Adjust how quickly content moves when you scroll: Click Mouse Options or Trackpad Options, then drag the slider next to “Scroll speed”.
You can change how you secondary click (also called Control-click on Mac or right-click on Windows).
With Mouse Keys, you can use the keyboard (instead of a mouse or trackpad) to move the pointer and click. See Use your keyboard like a mouse with Mac.