If you can’t access licences in Apple Configurator

Learn what to do if you can't access your licences after you've migrated to Apps and Books in Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager.

Before you get started

Revoke all assigned licences

  1. Open Apple Configurator.

  2. Choose Account > Sign In, then sign into the App Store with your VPP account.

  3. Choose Window > VPP Assignments.

  4. Click the triangle next to an app to view the serial number of the devices the app is assigned to.

  5. Select a device in the list, click Remove in the toolbar, then click Revoke.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 to revoke licences from any other apps.

  7. Go to the next section and transfer your legacy VPP licences.

Transfer your legacy VPP licences

After you've revoked all assigned licences, follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager.

  2. Click Settings, then click Apps and Books.

  3. Transfer any legacy VPP licences.

  4. Go to the next section to create a new location for Apple Configurator.

Create a new location for Apple Configurator

After you've transferred your legacy VPP licences, follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager.

  2. Click Locations.

  3. Click Add New Location.*

  4. Enter the new location information, then click Save. Only Apple Configurator will use this location.

  5. Go to the next section to create a new Content Manager.

Create a new Content Manager

After you've created a new location, follow these steps.

  1. Click Accounts.

  2. Click Add New Account.*

  3. Enter the account details, select Content Manager as the manager role, then select the new location for Apple Configurator.

  4. Click Save Person.

  5. Click Create Sign-In, gather the name and password, then sign out.

  6. Go to the next section to transfer your licences to a new location.

Purchase free licences on the new location

After you've created a new Content Manager, follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager with the new Content Manager account.

  2. Click Apps and Books.

  3. Select Get Started and transfer licences to the new location if prompted.

  4. Search for a free app that you want to deploy.

  5. Select the app from the search results.

  6. Choose the Apple Configurator location you created.

  7. Enter a quantity, then click Get.

  8. After the licences show available, go to the next section and sign in with Apple Configurator.

Sign into Apple Configurator

After you get the free licences on the new location, follow these steps:

  1. Open Apple Configurator.

  2. Choose Account > Sign In, then sign in with the new Content Manager account.

  3. Choose Window > Volume Purchasing Assignments, then verify the VPP licences are listed.

After you complete these steps, you can transfer licences to the new Apple Configurator location while logged in as an Admin.

* To create a new location or Content Manager, you must be an Administrator, Site Manager or People Manager.
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