Photos keyboard shortcuts on Mac
You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly accomplish many tasks in Photos. To find the shortcuts for common commands, look in the Photos menus, or use the tables below as a reference.
Action | Shortcut | ||||||||||
View photos | Control-1 | ||||||||||
View memories | Control-2 | ||||||||||
View favorites | Control-3 | ||||||||||
View people | Control-4 | ||||||||||
View places | Control-5 | ||||||||||
View imports | Control-6 | ||||||||||
View photos (in Photos view) | Command-1 | ||||||||||
View moments (in Photos view) | Command-2 | ||||||||||
View collections (in Photos view) | Command-3 | ||||||||||
View years (in Photos view) | Command-4 | ||||||||||
View memories (in Memories view) | Command-1 | ||||||||||
View favorite memories (in Memories view) | Command-2 | ||||||||||
Stop viewing a photo, project, album, or shared album | Command-Up Arrow | ||||||||||
Show or hide thumbnails below an open photo | Option-S | ||||||||||
Open preferences | Command-Comma (,) | ||||||||||
Search the Photos User Guide | Shift-Command-Question Mark (?) | ||||||||||
Close a window and quit Photos | Command-W | ||||||||||
Minimize the Photos window | Command-M | ||||||||||
Hide the Photos app (without quitting) | Command-H | ||||||||||
Quit Photos | Command-Q |
Edit photos
Action | Shortcut | ||||||||||
Open or close a selected photo in editing view | Command-Return | ||||||||||
Crop a photo | C or Command-3 | ||||||||||
Adjust a photo | A or Command-1 | ||||||||||
Apply a filter | F or Command-2 | ||||||||||
Rotate a photo | Command-Option-R (clockwise), or Command-R (counterclockwise) | ||||||||||
Enhance a photo | Command-E | ||||||||||
Show the original photo while editing | Hold down M | ||||||||||
Go to the next photo | Right Arrow (press and hold to scroll through photos quickly) | ||||||||||
Go to the previous photo | Left Arrow (press and hold to scroll through photos quickly) | ||||||||||
Delete selected photos | Delete | ||||||||||
Play or pause a Live Photo or video | Press Space bar | ||||||||||
Find photos | Command-F | ||||||||||
Zoom between the current zoom level and 100 percent | Z | ||||||||||
Zoom in or out incrementally | Command-Plus (+) or Command-Minus (–) | ||||||||||
Hide a selected photo | Command-L | ||||||||||
Adjust the view of a photo when zoomed in | Drag the photo | ||||||||||
Undo the last action | Command-Z | ||||||||||
Redo the last action | Shift-Command-Z |
Select and deselect photos
Action | Shortcut | ||||||||||
Select a single photo | Click the photo | ||||||||||
Select all photos | Command-A | ||||||||||
Select all photos between the current selection and a nonadjacent photo | Hold down the Shift key and click the nonadjacent photo | ||||||||||
Select photos that are not adjacent to one another | Select the first photo, then hold down the Command key and click additional photos | ||||||||||
Select several photos located together | Click outside the photos and drag to enclose them within the selection rectangle | ||||||||||
Deselect specific photos in a group of selected photos | Hold down the Command key and click the photos you want to deselect | ||||||||||
Deselect all photos | Shift-Command-A or click outside a photo |
Organize photos
Action | Shortcut | ||||||||||
Create a new album | Command-N | ||||||||||
Set a selected photo as the key photo for an album | Shift-Command-K | ||||||||||
Create a Smart Album | Option-Command-N | ||||||||||
Create a folder | Shift-Command-N | ||||||||||
Change the size of photo thumbnails | Command-Plus (+) or Command-Minus (–) | ||||||||||
Open or close a photo | Double-click a photo thumbnail or select a thumbnail and press Return. Double-click or press Return again to close. | ||||||||||
Move to previous or next photo | Left Arrow or Right Arrow | ||||||||||
Enter or leave full-screen view | Control-Command-F | ||||||||||
Show or hide titles | Shift-Command-T | ||||||||||
Hide a selected photo | Command-L | ||||||||||
Show or hide photo information in the Info window | Command-I | ||||||||||
Duplicate a photo | Command-D | ||||||||||
Cut a photo | Command-X | ||||||||||
Copy a photo | Command-C | ||||||||||
Paste a photo | Command-V | ||||||||||
Make a photo a favorite | Period (.) | ||||||||||
Show or hide the Keyword Manager | Command-K | ||||||||||
Delete a photo or item from the library | Command-Delete | ||||||||||
Remove a photo from an album (but not from the library) | Delete |
Action | Shortcut | ||||||||||
Stop playing a slideshow | Press the Escape (Esc) key, or move the pointer to show the slideshow controls, then click the close button (X) | ||||||||||
Pause or resume playing a slideshow | Space bar | ||||||||||
Move through slides in a slideshow manually | Right Arrow or Left Arrow |
Import and export
Action | Shortcut | ||||||||||
Import photos | Shift-Command-I | ||||||||||
Export photos | Shift-Command-E |
Print photos
Action | Shortcut | ||||||||||
Command-P |