Send email in Mail on iPhone
In the Mail app , you can write, send, and schedule email from any of your email accounts.

Write an email message
Tap in the email, then type your message.
To change the formatting, tap
above the keyboard, then tap
You can change the font style and color of text, use a bold or italic style, add a bulleted or numbered list, and more.
to send your email.
Tip: You can create and add stickers to emails as you compose them. See Add emoji and stickers with the iPhone keyboard.
Add recipients
Tap the To field, then type the names of recipients.
As you type, Mail automatically suggests people from your Contacts.
You can also tap
to open Contacts and add recipients from there.
If you want to send a copy to other people, tap the Cc/Bcc field, then do any of the following:
Tap the Cc field, then enter the names of people you’re sending a copy to.
Tap the Bcc field, then enter the names of people you don’t want other recipients to see.
Tip: After you enter recipients, you can reorder their names in the address fields, or drag them from one address field to another—for example, to the Bcc field if you decide you don’t want their names to appear.
Add a hyperlink to an email
In Safari
or another web browser, copy the URL of a webpage.
As you compose a message in Mail
, highlight the text you want to link.
Tap Paste.
Edit a link in an email draft
Tap a link or linked text, then tap .
Do any of the following:
Show Link Preview: Change the hyperlinked text to a rich embedded website preview image.
Open Link: Go to that website in a web browser.
Edit Link: Change the URL of the link.
Remove Link: Delete the link from your email draft.
Edit Text Description: Change the text that’s linked.
Use Camera to capture an email address
You can use Live Text to scan an email address printed on a business card, poster, and more using the Mail app on iPhone. This allows you to quickly begin emails without entering an address manually.
Open the Camera app
, then position iPhone so the email address appears within the camera frame.
Tap the email address, then tap
in the lower-right corner of the camera field.
To draft an email, tap the email address in the lower-left side of the camera field.
Tip: You can also capture an email address from a photo. See Use Live Text to interact with content in a photo or video on iPhone.
Schedule an email with Send Later
Touch and hold , then choose when you want to send the email.
To see more options, tap Send Later.
Send an email from a different account
If you have more than one email account, you can specify which account to send email from.
In your email draft, tap the Cc/Bcc, From field.
Tap the From field, then choose an account.