Rate places and add photos in Maps on iPhone
You can provide ratings and photos of places you visit to help other Maps users.
Your ratings and photos appear everywhere you’re signed in to the same Apple Account.

Note: The Apple Ratings and Photos feature is available in select areas. Features vary by country and region.
Rate a place
Go to the Maps app
on your iPhone.
Tap a place on the map or a search result.
Depending on the location, either scroll down the place card or tap Rate (near the top of the place card).
Note: If you don’t see ratings categories or the Rate button, you can’t rate the location.
for the available categories, then tap Done.
You can edit your ratings later if you change your mind.
Add photos for a place
Go to the Maps app
on your iPhone.
Tap a place on the map or a search result.
To credit yourself for the photos you contribute, tap Photo Credit, then turn on Show Credit.
The photo credit option you choose applies to all photos you previously submitted and continue to submit.
Tap Add Your Photos, then follow the onscreen instructions.
To upload your photos to Apple, you need to have an Apple Account.
Note: If you don’t see ratings categories or the Rate button, you can’t add a photo.
Share your photos publicly
You can allow companies to use the photos that you add to Maps in their own products and services.
Go to Settings
> Apps > Maps.
Turn on Allow Photo Providers to Use Your Photos.
Photos you share include location data, but not your identity. If you turn this setting off, photo providers may no longer use your photos. (It may take a few days to take effect.)
Edit your photos for a place
You can add and remove photos, add or remove your photo credit, and provide a nickname for your photo credit.
Go to the Maps app
on your iPhone.
Below Library, tap
, then tap Places.
Tap the place whose photos you want to edit.
Select one of your rated places, then do one of the following:
Submit another photo: Tap Your Photos, then tap Add.
Remove a photo: Tap Your Photos, select the photo, tap
, then tap Delete Your Photo.
Change your photo credit: Tap Your Photos, select the photo, tap
, then tap Change Photo Credit. The photo credit option you choose applies to all photos you previously submitted and continue to submit.
Stop getting ratings and photos suggestions
You may receive suggestions in Maps to submit a rating or photo if you recently visited or took a photo of a point of interest. These suggestions use on-device processing and can’t be read by Apple. If you don’t want to receive these suggestions, you can turn them off.
Go to Settings
> Apps > Maps.
Turn off Show Ratings and Photos Suggestions.