Highlight and add notes in Books on Mac
It’s easy to highlight text or add notes while you’re reading a book that supports the features. You can see all of your highlights and notes at any time, and use them as study (or flash) cards.
Note: Highlighting and notes might not be available for all book types.
Add highlights or notes to a book
In the Books app
on your Mac, click Books (or another collection) in the sidebar, then double-click a book.
Select and Control-click the text you want to highlight or annotate.
In the pop-up menu, choose a color, the underline, or Add Note.
To change the highlight color or remove a highlight or note, Control-click the text, then choose an option.
See all highlights and notes in a book
In the Books app
on your Mac, click Books (or another collection) in the sidebar, then double-click a book.
Move the pointer to the top of the page, then click the Notes and Highlights button
in the toolbar.
Click a highlight or note to jump to that page.
To delete a highlight or note, select and Control-click the text, then choose Remove Note, Remove Highlight, or Remove Note & Highlight.