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About the OS X Server v2.1.1 Update

Learn about the OS X Server v2.1.1 Update for Mountain Lion.

This software updates OS X Server v2.0 or v2.1 to version 2.1.1. It is recommended for all OS X Server (Mountain Lion) users.

How to install

OS X Server v2.1.1 is available from the Mac App Store. It will appear in the Updates pane if you have OS X Server (Mountain Lion) v2.0 or v2.1 installed. Click the UPDATE button to install.

If the Server app is running when you install the update, you will be prompted to quit it.

During the installation you will see the message "Server app removal detected." This is a normal part of the update process. All Server settings and data will be preserved during the update.

After installation is complete, open Server app and select your server from the list of available Macs. Server app will complete the setup of all previously configured services.

What's included?

Some of the improvements included in this update are:

Server app

  • Server app now has the ability to manage the DHCP service; for more information, see About the DHCP Service.

  • Allows the ability to manage the blacklist settings for the Mail service.

  • Prevents spurious "Host name changed" alert messages after restarting.

  • Addresses an issue in which, under certain circumstances, AirPort base stations couldn’t be managed after upgrading from a previous version of OS X Server.

  • Allows for setting a default NetBoot image in Server app.

  • Addresses an issue where migration from previous versions of Server app might not work if certain languages were used.

  • Allows Active Directory users to authenticate to the Calendar service on after migrating from previous versions of OS X Server.

Mail service

  • Addresses several issues with the Mail service after migrating from previous versions of OS X Server.

Profile Manager

  • Allows managing the ability to connect to the Mac App Store only for software updates.

  • Allows management of iOS 6 features.

Software Update service

  • Addresses an issue in which the catalog files were not properly updated after migrating from a previous version of OS X Server.

Website service

  • Addresses some issues with migrating from previous versions of OS X Server.

For information about the security content of Lion Server v10.7.5, see this article.

Note: If you're updating from OS X Server (Mountain Lion) v2.0 or v2.1, web-based services such as Wiki and Profile Manager that were running before the update may not be accessible after the update. To make them accessible, use Server app to stop and restart the affected services.

Learn more

If the Messages service will not start after updating to OS X Server v2.1, do the following:

  1. Quit Server.

  2. Move the Server app to the Trash.

  3. Download and install OS X Server v2.1.1.

If the DNS service does not function properly after updating to OS X Server v2.1, do the following:

  1. Download and install OS X Server v2.1.1.

  2. Open Server and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the setup.

  3. Turn on the DNS service.

  4. Open System Preferences.

  5. Click the Network preference pane.

  6. Select the server's primary network interface.

  7. Click the Advanced button.

  8. Click the DNS tab.

  9. Remove any DNS server addresses other than

  10. If necessary, add to the DNS server list.

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