cell reference

A reference value is a reference to a single cell or an array (range) of cells. If the array is more than one cell, the starting and ending cell are separated by a single colon. For more information, search for "cell reference"or "reference tab" in Formulas and Functions Help. Here are some examples that include cell references:




In Numbers, the reference can be to a cell in another table or in another sheet.

  • A cell reference to a cell in another table must contain the name of the table (unless the cell name is unique within all tables). The table name and cell reference are separated by a double colon. For example:

    =Table 2::B2

    The name of the table is automatically included when you select a cell in another table while building a formula.

  • A cell reference to a cell in another sheet must contain the name of the sheet (unless the cell name is unique within all the sheets). The sheet name, table name and cell reference are separated by double colons. For example:

    =SUM(Sheet 2::Table 1::C2:G2)

    The name of the sheet and the name of the table are automatically included when you select a cell in another sheet while building a formula.