Uninstall apps on your Mac

Deleting or uninstalling an app will remove it from your Mac and make the storage space it was using available for other items. You can do this from Launchpad or the Finder.

Use Launchpad to delete apps that were downloaded from the App Store

Launchpad offers a convenient way to delete apps that you downloaded from the App Store.

  1. If the app is currently open, exit the app before continuing.

  2. To open Launchpad, click it in the Dock or open it from your Applications folder. Or pinch closed with your thumb and three fingers on your trackpad.

  3. If you can't see the app in Launchpad, type its name in the search field at the top of Launchpad. If you have more than one page of apps, you can switch pages by clicking the dots at the bottom of the screen, or by swiping right or left with two fingers on your trackpad.

  4. Press and hold the Option key, or click and hold any app until the apps jiggle.

  5. Click the Delete buttonNo alt supplied for Image next to the app you want to delete, then click Delete to confirm. The app will be deleted immediately.

    Launchpad window showing how to delete apps

If you can't delete an app from Launchpad

The Delete buttonNo alt supplied for Image will only appear for apps you've downloaded from the App Store. Delete other apps using the Finder instead.

Use the Finder to delete apps

  1. If the app is currently open, exit the app before continuing.

  2. Switch to the Finder, such as by clicking your desktop or clicking the Finder icon in the Dock.

  3. Find the app that you want to delete, then click to select it. Most apps can be found in your Applications folder, which you can open by clicking Applications in the sidebar of any Finder window. Or choose Go > Applications from the menu bar in the Finder. Or use Spotlight to find and show the location of the app.

  4. Use any of these ways to move the app to the Bin:

    • Drag the app to the Bin.

    • Select the app and choose File > Move to Bin from the menu bar.

    • Select the app and press Command-Delete on your keyboard.

  5. If you’re asked for a username and password, enter the username and password of an administrator account on your Mac. This is usually the username and password you use to log in to your Mac.

  6. To delete the app after moving it to the Bin, choose Finder > Empty Bin from the menu bar.

    Mac screen showing the Bin icon in the Dock

If you can't delete an app using the Finder

  • You can't use the Finder to delete apps that are required by your Mac. This includes many apps that are installed by macOS, such as Mail, Music, Books, Notes, Podcasts, Maps, News and Stocks.

  • If you can't delete an app because your Mac says that it's in use, make sure the app isn't open. If necessary, restart your Mac or start up in Safe Mode, then try again.

Learn more

  • Uninstalling or deleting an app doesn't remove any documents or other files that you may have created with the app. It also doesn't cancel any subscription that you may have purchased with the app. Find out how to cancel subscriptions for apps that were downloaded from the App Store.

  • If your app came with a separate uninstaller app, which usually includes "Uninstall" or "Uninstaller" in the name, you can open the uninstaller and follow its instructions to remove the app from your Mac.

  • Find out how to delete apps on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

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