Edit HDR video recorded on your iPhone or iPad
You can use Apple apps, such as Clips, iMovie and Final Cut Pro, for Mac to edit and share Dolby Vision High Dynamic Range (HDR) videos recorded with certain iPhone and iPad models.
Certain iPhone and iPad models can record video in Dolby Vision HDR. To check that your device is set to record HDR video, go to Settings > Camera > Record Video and make sure HDR Video is turned on.
To find out whether your device supports playing video in HDR, recording video in HDR or both, identify your iPhone model or iPad model, then check its specifications.
Find out more about playing and recording HDR video on your iPhone and iPad
Edit HDR video with Clips on your iPhone and iPad
With the Clips app, create a new project and record HDR video directly from within the app or import an HDR video clip recorded with your device.
Find out how to use the Clips app
Edit HDR video with iMovie on your iPhone or iPad
In iMovie for iOS and iPadOS, you can add HDR video recorded with your device to your iMovie project. When sharing your movie, tap Options, then turn HDR on to export your movie in HDR. To share a Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) version of your movie, turn HDR off.
Find out how to use iMovie on your iPhone
Find out how to use iMovie on your iPad
Edit HDR video with iMovie on Mac
In iMovie version 10.2 or later on Mac, you can import HDR video into an iMovie project. For an HDR video imported in an earlier version of iMovie, you'll need to reimport it so it displays properly. You can share from iMovie in SDR.
To share an iMovie for macOS project in HDR, you need to export your iMovie project to Final Cut Pro, then you can share it from here. When you send a movie to Final Cut Pro, the project file and the media used in the project will be copied to your Final Cut Pro library. Make sure you've installed Final Cut Pro or the Final Cut Pro trial on your Mac. Then, in iMovie, choose File > Send Movie to Final Cut Pro. To share your project from Final Cut Pro, follow the steps in the Final Cut Pro section below.
Find out more about sending iMovie projects to Final Cut Pro
Edit HDR video with Final Cut Pro on your Mac
Create a new Final Cut Pro library and set the colour processing for the library to Wide Gamut HDR.
Import HDR video recorded with your iPhone. You can import HDR video directly from your iPhone or from the Photos app.
Create a new project and set the colour space for your project to Wide Gamut HDR - Rec. 2020 HLG.
Edit your project.
For the highest quality, export an HLG master file or share to Apple devices with the video codec set to HEVC 10-bit.
Share an HDR project from Final Cut Pro to YouTube
If you want to upload an HDR version of your project to YouTube, export an HLG master file or Share to Apple devices, then upload the video file to YouTube with a web browser like Safari.