Search for photos on iPhone
When you tap Search in the Photos app , you see suggestions for moments, people, places, and categories to help you find what you’re looking for, or rediscover an event you forgot about. You can also type a keyword into the search field—for example, a person’s name, date, or location—to help you find a specific photo.

Tap Search, then tap the search field at the top of the screen to search by any of the following:
Date (month or year)
Place (city or state)
Business names (museums, for example)
Category (beach or sunset, for example)
Events (sports games or concerts, for example)
A person identified in your People album (see Find and identify people in Photos)
Text (an email address or phone number, for example)
Caption (see See photo and video information)
The person who added the photo to the library (see Set up or join an iCloud Shared Photo Library in Photos on iPhone)
Tip: Looking for something more specific? Refine your search with multiple keywords—simply keep adding keywords until you find the right photo. Search also suggests keywords to add to your search.