Sculpture pickup parameters in Logic Pro for iPad
The pickup parameters discussed in this section apply on a per-voice basis. A number of parameters can be morphed between up to five morph points. These are indicated in the parameter descriptions. See Sculpture morph overview.
The pickups are the first element beyond the sound-generating portion of Sculpture—consisting of the string and objects—and act as the input to the virtual signal processing chain. You can view the pickups as being like those of an electric guitar or clavinet. Obviously, changing their positions alters the tone of your instrument, just like the pickups in Sculpture.
The volume level of the pickup signals is controlled with the amplitude envelope.

Pickup parameters
PickupA Pos slider and field: Set the position of Pickup A along the string. Values of 0.0 and 1.0 determine the left and right ends of the string, respectively. This parameter can be morphed.
PickupB Pos slider and field: Set the position of Pickup B along the string. This parameter can be morphed.
Pickup Stereo knob and field: Use to spread the two pickups across the stereo base.
Key Stereo knob and field: Set the amount of panning (pan position) by MIDI note number. Depending on settings, the farther up or down the keyboard you play, the more the voice is panned left or right.
Tip: You can create animated width and chorus effects by modulating the Stereo parameters with an LFO or other modulator.
PickupB Phase pop-up menu: Invert the phase of Pickup B. Options are: normal or inverted.
Note: If the phase of Pickup B is inverted, the sound can become thinner due to portions of the Pickup A and Pickup B signals canceling each other out. Depending on the position of the pickups, however, the reverse may happen, with the sound actually becoming richer.
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