Mirror a braille display with VoiceOver Utility on Mac
Connect multiple USB braille displays to your Mac and have all of them display the same braille output at the same time. The braille displays can be of different types, models and sizes.
Connect your Mac to the braille display you want to use to control other braille displays. This display is called the primary braille display.
In the Displays pane of the Braille category in VoiceOver Utility, select the braille display, then select the “Primary braille display” tickbox in the display information section.
To prevent input from other braille displays that are connected to your Mac, click the “Allow input from” pop-up menu, then choose “Primary braille display”.
Connect additional braille displays to your Mac. These displays will mirror the output from the primary braille display.
Download this guide in Braille Ready Format: BRF (English)