Connect your Mac to the internet using Wi-Fi
If you’re within range of a Wi-Fi network, you can try to join it.
Join a public Wi-Fi network
On your Mac, click the Wi-Fi icon
in the menu bar, then choose the network you want to join.
If you can’t see the network you want to join, click Other Networks to display nearby networks.
If requested, enter the password for the network, then click Join.
Join a hidden Wi-Fi network
You need to know the hidden network’s name, security protocol and password to join it.
On your Mac, click the Wi-Fi icon
in the menu bar, click Other Networks, then click Other at the bottom of the Other Networks list.
Enter the name of the wireless network in the Network Name field.
Click the Security pop-up menu, then choose the type of wireless security the network uses.
Enter the information for any additional fields that are displayed, such as a username and password, then click Join.