Report a post

If a discussion or reply in the Apple Support Community is inappropriate or posted in the wrong area, you can report it.

The option to report a post is available to make sure the Apple Support Community is a great place to learn. If you see a discussion or reply that should be in a different area or is inappropriate, report it. We trust you to make a positive impact and encourage open, respectful discussions.

To report a discussion or a reply within a discussion:

  1. Click the exclamation mark to the right of the thread or reply.

  2. Choose the reason you're reporting the thread.

  3. Click Report Post.

Choose one of these options when you report a post:

  • Inappropriate post: content that is inappropriate for the community. Check the use agreement for more information.

  • Duplicate post: a question that a community member posted multiple times within a short period of time

  • Edit post: a post that contains information that might need to be removed, for example, personal details such as an address, email address or phone number

  • Username or profile issue: concerns about usernames or profiles

  • Relocate post: a post that needs to be moved to the correct area in the community

  • Illegal or harmful post: content that might contain illegal or harmful information

  • Other: If none of the specific report reasons address your concern, use this option to report a post for review.

  • Spam: excessive, repetitive content that doesn’t serve the community

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