Adjust Apple TV app settings
You can choose what appears in the Apple TV app , including channels and apps, live scores, notifications, play history, and items in Up Next.
Adjust settings for the Apple TV app
Open Settings
on Apple TV.
Go to Apps > TV, then do any of the following:
Use your play history for personalized recommendations and Up Next: Turn on Use Play History.
See live sports scores in Up Next: Turn on Show Sports Scores.
Get Game Start and Close Game notifications for games you’ve added to Up Next: Turn on Games in Up Next.
Get notifications about recommended sports and events: Turn on Exciting Games.
Set which channels and apps share content with the Apple TV app: Select an app from the list to turn it on or off.
Remove information about what you’ve watched (which is synced with the Apple TV app on other devices): Select Clear Play History. This also removes TV shows and movies from Up Next.