Check and review a project before you order
Before you place your order to print a project, it’s a good idea to check spelling, add or remove the Apple logo from the cover, and preview the project to make sure it prints the way you want. For information about removing the Apple logo from a project, see Remove the Apple logo from a book, Remove the Apple logo from a calendar, and Remove the Apple logo from a card.
To preview your project, you create a PDF file, which you can view on your computer using Preview, Acrobat Reader, Safari, or another web browser. You can also print a PDF file using any of those apps.
Check the spelling of a project
Click a project under Projects in the sidebar, then double-click the page that contains the text you want to check.
Select the text block you want to check, then choose Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Show Spelling and Grammar.
In the Spelling and Grammar window, do any of the following:
Accept a suggested spelling: Select the suggestion, then click Change.
Correct the spelling yourself: Type the new spelling in the top field, then click Change.
Keep the current spelling: Click Ignore.
Keep the current spelling and add it to your dictionary (so that the spell checker doesn’t question it): Click Learn.
Move from one questioned word to another: Click Find Next.
Make a PDF file of a project to review
Click a project under Projects in the sidebar.
Do one of the following:
Press the Option key while you click the Buy button.
Press the Control key while you click in the background of your project, then choose “Save [project] as PDF.”
Enter a name and select a location, then click Save.