Apple Pay Support
You’ve come to the right place to get help with Apple Pay.
Quick actions

Update or remove a card
You can change your default card, remove a card, or update your billing and contact information.

View your account balances
When you connect your accounts to Wallet, you can view your credit or debit card balance, transaction history, and more.

See your Apple Pay transactions
Learn how to view the latest transactions for the credit and debit cards that you use with Apple Pay.

Manage preauthorized payments
View and manage recurring and deferred Apple Pay charges, such as subscriptions, automatic reload payments, and monthly bills.

Track orders in Apple Wallet
When you make a purchase from a participating app or website, you can track your order in the Wallet app.

Read about security and privacy
Learn how using Apple Pay protects your personal information, transaction data, and payment information.
Get started

Set up Apple Pay
Add a credit, debit, or prepaid card to your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, or Mac.

Make purchases with Apple Pay
You can pay using Apple Pay in stores, in apps, on the web, and more.
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